Bullies are the Worst

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"Good morning Barbara's locker, have you seen Barbara today?" Dick looked at the untouched locker next to his and sighed. Barbara Gordon, his best and only civilian friend, had been feeling unwell the previous weekend and said she might not make it to school that day. This always worried Dick because first of all, he wanted Barbara healthy and happy at all times, and second of all, without Barbara around to keep the older kids with crushes on her at bay, he was bully target number one.

"Would you look at that? The little Gypsy freak is trying to speak to lockers he's so lonely" Sheldon had been sneaking up on Dick Grayson, and of course, the Robin part of him knew all along that Sheldon was there and that he could easily beat the senior to a pulp, but the Dick Grayson half was still just a weak little nerd who had no chance. Dick was never afraid on the field as Robin because he knew that if someone crossed a line, he could easily take them down without holding back, but when he was Dick Grayson, he wasn't really acting afraid, he was actually scared of what the bullies might do. There wasn't even a chance of fighting back without blowing his identity and that was all terrifying to think about.

"I'm sorry Sheldon, I'll just go to class" His meek reply only earned him a laugh and a shove. It wasn't long before he was being held against the wall by his shirt with his feet only barely reaching the floor.

"I don't remember saying you could speak!" The older boy slapped Dick across the face hard and left a red mark. He then proceeded to beat Dick, aiming blows at Dicks face, chest, stomach, arms, legs, and every other inch of him. When he finished Dick was crying in a painful heap on the floor. "Look, the crybaby doesn't know how to walk. I'll help you walk little baby" Dick tried to move away, but was too bruised up to get anywhere before Sheldon scooped him up and threw him in a nearby janitor's closet. "You're too old for crying and until you learn to grow up, you'll be in a time out."

The door was slammed shut and Dick found himself surrounded by walls of darkness and pain. He wouldn't be getting out of there anytime so he decided to fall asleep and ease away from the hurt.

Later that day at Wayne Enterprises, Bruce Wayne was in his office when his phone went off. He pulled it out of his pocket and read the contact labeled 'Alfred' before answering.

"What is it Alfred?"

"It's Master Dick sir, I've been parked outside of the school to pick him up for at least half an hour now and he is still nowhere to be seen." Bruce tried his best to keep the worry out of his voice, but the old butler knew him all too well.

"Have you spoken to any of the teachers? They must no what happened."

"I just spoke with Master Dick's homeroom teacher and have been told that the young master didn't even come to school today" This really started to worry Bruce.

"Alfred, hang tight, I'm heading to the school now." He then hung up and left the building in record time. Where could Dick be?

When he reached the school, he went in to see Alfred speaking with the school principal, but it didn't look like they had made any progress. Just then, a man in a janitor uniform came around a corner with an arm around Dick who was limping along slowly.

"Dick!" Bruce ran over to the stranger holding up his son, catching the attention of the principal and Alfred, and causing them to come over as well. When Bruce kneeled down and brought Dick closer to him he saw the bruises covering his ward and the small scrapes here and there. He noted the dried bloody nose and a few other cuts with the bruises and his blood boiled. "Dick what happened and who did this to you?" Dick looked up, the tears, sadness, and fear still showing in his eyes.

"He came up to me and said I was a freak, so I apologized and he got mad because I wasn't supposed to speak." Dick was now crying in Bruce's arms, but he didn't care, he was still worried that Sheldon might come back, so he held onto his mentor and father-like figure tighter. "He punished me and told me that since I was crying and didn't know how to walk, I was a baby who belonged in time out." Dick was quietly sobbing in Bruce's hug and Bruce swore that whoever caused this much pain to his usually fearless child was going down. "He locked me in the janitor's closet and I was stuck there for the whole day until Mr. M needed his mop." Bruce looked up at the janitor still standing there awkwardly.

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