Nobody likes a Bad Punchline

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Robin's POV

The Joker. Why did it have to be the Joker? Every time we fight, he does something, Batman stops him, with my help of course, and then the moment he's in Arkham Asylum, it's like he's already leaving. He is also one of the least original bad guys out there. I mean, he calls me the 'Boy Blunder' and the 'Bat Brat'. Why can't he come up with his own nicknames? It would make fighting him so much more interesting. And like now, why are we always fighting him in warehouses? And what is with the clown goons?! If you ask me, he isn't very good at being a villain, purely evil he's got down, but being a supervillain is supposed to be more than that.

"Come on Bat Brat! Get your head in the game so I can properly get it out of the game! Ha Ha!" The Joker said as I flipped over his latest blow. He was right though, I was caught in my mind and haven't started on offence yet. It was me against the Joker while Batman fought Harley and the goons. He always preferred it the other way around and sometimes so did I because unlike the Joker, Harley and the goons could barely fight. Their only strength was in their numbers and the few of them with good weapons.

"Sorry Joker, but you just aren't interesting any more" I punched, but but he stepped back just in time. "You know, I'm pretty sure it was Mr. Freeze who first called me Bat Brat. You don't want to be copying him do you?" The Joker let out a small noise of frustration because he was still being pushed backwards and always hated being compared to the other villains in a bad way.

"Come on, cut me some slack, it's not my fault the others beat me to it!" He wined and was still moving back but was smiling even more than usual. This was totally a trap. I was about to call to Batman, but we had moved into a totally different room. "But I'd like to see the others beat me to this!"

All of a sudden, I felt something hitting the back of my head, and I thought Harley was with the goons. But I decided she obviously wasn't if I now had to struggle to maintain consciousness. It's OK, Batman can save m...

When I woke up, I was in a bare room with no windows, but a single door. The ropes around me were a joke and using my amazing skills, I broke out in a 13 seconds flat. I walked up to the door to find it unlocked. I was totally playing right into the Joker's hands, but I needed to get out and that's what I was going to do.

"Joker! Where are you! Come out and face me!" No response. I looked at my glove's built in computer screen and realized there weren't any other heat signatures in the building. I was alone. The question was where? I pulled up my map to see that I was on the other side of Gotham, and Batman's suit tracker was still at the original warehouse. I can't find an exit, so I guess I'll have to call him.

Batman's POV

Where was Robin? I finished with the goons, but couldn't find Harley or the Joker. I went to the door where I last saw him fighting Joker but he wasn't there. Why did I let him come? I couldn't protect him and now he's who knows where. I was about to leave when I heard the Joker's footsteps.

"Looking for your baby bird?" He said with his usual grin. I glared at him full power, if he hurt my son, well he wouldn't be escaping anything if he couldn't move. I thought about how everyone knew Robin was Batman's son, but Dick Grayson was only Bruce Wayne's ward. When this was all over, he would ask Dick about an adoption. But back to the fight.

"Where is Robin" I said with my added growl. Joker just laughed and my com started beeping.


"Robin. Where are you?"

I eyed the Joker carefully as he stood and listened to my half of the conversation.

"I'm in a building on the other side of town, but I can't find any exits."

"How did you get there?"

"Harley knocked me unconscious but I don't know the rest. Neither Harley nor Joker are here, I'm the only heat signature. Also, my utility belt is bare."

"I'll come get you when I'm done with the Joker just-"

"I'm afraid by the time you're done with me and you get to that side of town, there will be plenty of exits, but he wont be leaving." The clown said. What was he talking about. "You seem confused...Oh! Did the birdie forget to tell you about the bombs? Silly little boy." The joker faked a sad face, but would he joke about this to get away? Or is Robin really going to be in danger.

"Robin, check the walls and supports. Are there any bombs?"

"...Yeah, holy demolition Batman! This place is full of them! What am I going to do?!"

"Tick tock Batman, you can come after me or you can go free your bird, but you only have five minutes! Good luck!" He ran out of the room, but I didn't care, I hopped into the Batmobile and was on my way to Robin's coordinates.

Robin's POV

Don't panic. Don't panic! I've recently learned it's hard not to panic when you're about to be blown up. I ran through the whole building, but still couldn't find a way out. All of the doors that were supposed to be exits, according to the blue prints I pulled up, have been sealed with brick! How did they even get me in here? There has to be a way out.

"Robin, I'm almost there but you only have one minute left, find shelter just in case"

"Alright Batman" I didn't know where to go, the whole building was just floors, walls, ceilings, and bombs. There was no where to go. I sat in a protected position when I couldn't get anywhere safer and BOOM!

I went flying backwards and I felt my ear piece come out. The explosion knocked me on to my back, and I knew I would get a few small burns, but I was mainly worried about my leg which was trapped under a support beam. I was totally freaking out now and knew that if I didn't hurry, the small bit of roof above me was going to fall and crush me completely. I pushed and pulled, but everything I did caused pain, not freedom. I was getting desperate, is this where I would die?

"BATMAN HELP I'M STUCK! PLEASE HELP ME!" I didn't want to die! Batman could save me though. He always saves me. He's like a dad to me, even if I'm only his ward, but that was from when I was eight and I thought making him my new dad would make my real father unhappy. Now I just prayed to anyone listening that he could find me.

"ROBIN?!" I heard his voice! He's here!

"BATMAN! I CAN'T MOVE! MY LEG IS STUCK!" Oh no, he wouldn't find me in time! the roof is crumbling and will fall in mere seconds! But then I saw him! He ran as fast as the flash to get to where I was laying. "Batman, the roof will fall any moment! You need to get out of here!"

"I'm not leaving you Dick" He pulled at the support beam and I was almost able to get my leg out. Then I was free and slid away from the beam.

"What happened to no names in the field?" He picked me up bridal style and I knew I was shaking uncontrollably with pain and fear, but I leaned into his chest.

"That's not half as important as you are" He ran with me in his arms out towards the Batmobile and just as we made it out, the building crumbled. I looked up at him as he carried me further, his back protecting me from the debris coming from the building.

"I love you dad" I pulled up closer to him, forgetting my pain to only feel love and warmth as he responded.

"I love you too son"

The End!

Well, thanks for reading, I hope your day is filled with Pure Wonderment!

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