Naps and Headaches

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Recognized: Robin B01

When Dick arrived at the mountain that morning he was surprised to see the lack of speedster in his face. He shrugged it off and went straight to the kitchen knowing full well that Wally would spend most if not all of his time at the mountain in that one room. Empty. This however did nothing to dissuade the fearless bird because he soon made his way to the living room and found all of his team there sitting on the green sofas staring at the TV.

"Hey Rob! Didn't hear you come in! Care to join our Pixar marathon? We found this great YouTube channel call Super Carlin Brothers (Go check them out) and they said that all Pixar movies are part of the same timeline! We're watching them in order now." Wally didn't seem to realize that Robin really didn't care. He just wanted to lay down after so much Dynamic Duo-ing the previous night. The raven haired boy slumped down next to Wally in the very corner of the couch and slowly slipped into a peaceful sleep as Pixar movies played one after the other.

"Guys" Artemis whispered, "Robin fell asleep! I repeat Robin fell asleep!" Surley enough, when the team looked over, they saw their youngest member curled up against the armrest with his soft snores as the only sign of life. "What do we do?"

It was a fair question because none of them usually fell asleep like that. Whenever M'gann fell asleep, Conner would happily carry her to her room. Whenever Conner fell asleep, his sensitive hearing would wake him the moment someone entered the room. Wally never fell asleep because it's a hard thing to do when one was constantly eating. The moment Artemis or Kaldur' felt tired they would leave to their rooms at the mountain, so the team never had to deal with them. But Robin never fell asleep or got tired from what they knew.

"We could carry him to his bed" Kaldur'

"And risk waking him up! He's a bat-protégé, so no thanks" Wally

"Why don't we just leave him be" Voice of reason here, I mean Conner

"Hello, Megan! He needs blankets!" M'gann of course

They continued to debate what they should do with their friend, but didn't realize their voices getting louder and louder until...

"SHUT UP!" Robin was holding his hands tight against his head while the team immediately felt guilty for waking him and did as he said. He hadn't eaten anything since the previous morning's breakfast, and he felt like he would pass out if his headache inflicted any more pain.

"Robin, are you alright? Your mind is in pain." M'gann barely whispered this but everyone heard.

"It's just a headache, no biggy, they tend to be caused by loud noises especially when someone is already tired and hungry." Everyone continued to feel guilty as they learned their shouting did more than just wake him up. As if it's timing couldn't be worse, Sully just had to growl causing Boo's very, very high pitched scream to fill the room. "TURN IT OFF!" Robin shouted as he once again braced his head, a few tears slipped down his cheeks and he almost lost consciousness for a moment.

Recognized: Batman 02

"Leave" Was the only thing the team heard as they turned off the TV and left the Bat with his Bird. "Robin" Batman softly whispered with his usually harsh voice, "I really need you to drink this for me." Robin looked up at his mentor with tears in his eyes and a painful thud echoing through his mind. He carefully took the vial Batman held, trusting that whatever reason the Dark Knight had for giving him the liquid was a good one, and he drank the contents in one motion.

All of a sudden the pounding stopped and the Boy Wonder was finally able to fall back to sleep in his loving Batdad's arms. Batman carried the child out of the room bridal style to be met with the concerned voices of the team.

"I don't kno- Batman! Is Robin OK? He was crying!" M'gann softly shouted seeing her unconscious friend in his hold. Batman returned each curious gaze with a mild batglare, he didn't have time for this.

"Last night was a rather busy night for me and Robin. Until a short while ago, I believed everything had gone well until I received a strong headache almost rendering me unconscious. I ran a few tests and discovered that one of the thugs we fought was a scarecrow goon who injected us with some sort of drug. I created the cure and administered it to myself before coming here. Robin was already exhausted and hungry from all that has been going on, so his smaller body was unable to remain awake after drinking the cure." Batman said this in a slightly quieter version of his usual voice, but it was clear as ever that no questions were to be asked.

With that, he carried Robin further to the zeta-tube, and just as he prepared to step in, Robin snuggled loser to the warmth of his father's chest. Batman did the unthinkable, he smiled in public, before walking into the light that surrounded him and his child.

Recognized: Batman 02, Robin B01

I forgot my signoff already and don't feel like checking my other chapter so, yadda yadda day of Pure-Wonderment I think.

This signoff suits me quite a bit more I'd say.

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