Bereft: Alternate Outcome

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Warning: Things escalate pretty quickly near the end. (Lot's of peril)

There I was walking around in a desert. Not sure how I got there. Not sure about anything really. It was really hard to think straight with the killer headache I had. Just then I heard a noise, and as some vehicle drew closer, I hid up in some rocks to wait for it to drive past.

"Those are Bialyan Republican army uniforms," I said taking note of the passenger attire as it drove further off into the horizon. "But what are Bialyans doing in uh Bialya? OK, better question. What am I doing in Bialya? In September!? What happened to March!?" I was looking at my gloves built in holo-screen, but it had to be wrong. Either that or I had six months of memory loss. "Better radio Batman," Before I could do anything however, a memory came back.

"Maintain radio silence at all times"

"Or not." Batman wanted radio silence, and I couldn't directly disobey him like that. It was then that I also realized I had been talking to myself for the past minute or so. Not a good sign if the desert is already causing me to go crazy. I jumped down from my spot in the rocks, but when I looked to the right, a piece of fabric caught my eye. I held it up and saw what it was. It was black with a red Superman S on it. Something was up. The sun however was on it's way down, so I got marching along knowing it would be much cooler and darker out in a short while.

One short while later

"Wish I could remember why I put a GPS marker here," I said running through the desert with my screen still out. I looked up and seeing something man made quickly hide behind a dune. "Huh. Guessing that's why." I realized once again I was talking to myself, and without a sound, looked back up over the dune. Nobody was there. I jumped out from my hiding spot, heading right to the whatever it was when all of a sudden a bunch of Bialyan guys popped out of the sand like daisies, all armed with guns. One of the guys shouted something in Bialyan, and I'm not fluent, but it sounded like he said 'something something wants him alive'. Who wanted me alive!?

(BTW: The whole inspiration for this story comes from when I was doing research on the Young Justice Wiki Fandom. I was curious about some stuff to do with episode 9, Bereft, and while I was there saw something very intriguing. There's an unanswered question on that page asking why Queen Bee wanted Robin alive, and I was like 'Oh look, opportunity' anywho, back to the story)

I quickly threw down a smoke bomb knowing I was totally outnumbered and then got to work. I punched and kicked down a few guys, but there were still more. What did who want me for? I came out of the smoke behind two guys and threw two of my Robin bolas, wrapping up the two soldiers. I continued to take down the guys with my epic acrobatics and martial arts while also disarming them with my Robin discs. I did one super awesome move and flipped on top of a guy, spinning around and taking out three guys all at once. Well I thought I took them out. As I was sticking my landing, they got up and prepared their guns and the head guy shouted 'something open fire'. Not sure if they still wanted me alive or not anymore.

They began shooting and I leapt into action flipping backward as the bullets got dangerously closer and closer to me. I thought I was getting the upper hand AKA getting far enough away to regroup, but boy was I wrong.

I was still flipping backward from the guns thinking it would be great if someone just showed up and disarmed the soldiers, when I flipped right into someone. It was definitely the muscle of the group and he grabbed me. The others ceased fire as he carried my struggling self back to the other men.

One of the soldiers pulled something out of his pocket and I realized what was happening when the potent cloth was pressed up against my mouth and nose. I saw a truck pull up just before my eyes slowly grew heavy from the chemicals. (It actually takes roughly five minutes for chloroform to knock someone out) I could only hear fuzzy noises as I finally surrendered to the chemical and lost consciousness.

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