040. The Cavity - Part 2

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"Honey-senpai, you can't keep eating nothing but sweets all of the time. You know you'll end up getting cavities," Haruhi warned as she set a cup of tea in front of him and me. I quietly thanked her before nodding in agreement.

"Tell me about it," I mumbled. "It's hard to get him to eat some vegetables. Don't you humans need that sort of stuff?" I mumbled that last sentence more to myself than to the other two.

"Yeah," Mori-senpai agreed. I picked up the teacup and sipped the vampire-safe liquid. I looked down at the red-colored liquid but continued to listen to the conversation.

"Oh, don't worry, Haru-chan. I always brush my teeth," Mitskuni reassured and ignored what I said. He picked up his fork and brought a piece of cake into his mouth. He froze mid-chew and let out a soft squeak. I instantly lifted my gaze and stared at Honey with a knowing look.

"Honey-senpai... is it...?" Haruhi trailed off.

"Nah, it's nothing, 'kay?" He tried to play it off as if it was nothing, but the way he was holding his cheek gave the truth away.

"Mitskuni," I warned.

"It's okay, it's okay," he repeated. "It's nothing!" Hikaru and Kaoru stepped closer to him. The two brothers tried to hold him down while Haruhi tried to pry open his mouth.

"Let me just take a look, Senpai," Haruhi tried. Honey continued to wiggle away from them, and the twins struggled to keep him still.

"No!" Honey whined. I carefully set the teacup down and took a step closer.

"Honey-senpai, please quit squirming!" Kaoru begged.

"There's nothing going on! I already told you," Honey lied. I could see tears well in his eyes, so I cut in.

"Guys, back off," I gently requested. They listened and slowly stepped away from Honey. I reached out and grabbed both sides of his face. " Mitskuni," I warned. With his lips sealed shut, he shook his head and tried to push me away from him. I grabbed both his hands in one of mine and pinned them flat against the couch.

The shock he felt from having me pin him down in front of everyone allowed me to pull his mouth open. I heard the guests gasp in awe and watch silently. I honestly forgot they were here.

"Is-is it a cavity?" Tamaki asked.

"Yeah, it is," I sighed out once I spotted the small amount of black decay on his molar. I slowly let Honey go and scooted away from him, so the guests wouldn't get too suspicious.

"It's okay, I'll be alright," Honey begged.

"Tamaki," Mori-senpai called.

"Yes, you're right," Tamaki replied as if Mori had actually said something. "Until Honey-senpai gets over his cavity, he can't have any sweets," Tamaki announced to the whole room.

Honey gasped and looked at me with a panicked expression. I smiled sadly and nodded to confirm Tamaki's statement.

"Therefore, we'll be supportive and ask that you kindly refrain from eating snacks in the clubroom until this ordeal is over," Tamaki continued. Mori-senpai grabbed the remaining cake and pastries left on the table.

"N-No, Takashi, please don't take my snacks away!" Honey cried and tried to run after him to stop him. Mori-senpai turned around to face him and give him a stern look.

"No more cake," Mori-senpai stated firmly.

"You can't- Don't do it... What will I do without them?" Honey stuttered. "No!" Honey cried out as Mori walked away again. With tears in his eyes, Honey crawled into my lap and sniffled softly. His small hands gripped the labels of my uniform blazer. "Please, Kassie?" he stared at me with begging eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mitskuni," I sighed and rubbed his back. I could tell the guests wanted to fangirl, but they stayed quiet out of respect for Honey's situation. "Eating cake will only make it worse, and it would be painful for you," I explained.

"No, it won't!" Honey shouted before jumping off my lap and trying to find some sweets.


After the host club ended, the guests left, and I hesitantly approached Mori-senpai. I still felt awkward around him, but I needed to talk to him for Honey's sake.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked and slowly sat beside him. Mori-senpai's eyes drifted towards his cousin. Honey was sitting at a table by himself with his head down against the surface.

"Yeah," Mori-senpai confirmed. "He should stay at your place."

"At my house?" I questioned and Mori nodded. He noticed I was a little confused, so he gave me a brief explanation.

"He can't get sweets there," Mori's flat tone answered.

"Oh, right, yeah," I agreed. "Plus, I'd hate to leave him alone at this state. He's so sad. I'd have to let the staff know, so they can buy some groceries for his dinner and breakfast. Do you think his dad, your uncle, would mind?"

"No. I already talked to him," Mori-senpai answered. "Just needed to ask you." He shrugged.

"Okay," I nodded softly. "I'm going to go talk to him," I said and stood up. Mori-senpai was silent as I went over to the sulking third-year. I placed my hand on his shoulder and gently squeezed. "How are you feeling, Puppy?"

"Are you sure I can't have anything to eat? Not one piece of candy?" Honey asked in a gentle tone. I gave him a sad smile and shook my head.

"Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't know where to get any. I know it's hard for you, Mitskuni, but

Tears welled in his eyes, so I sighed and turned away from him. If I can't see it, it's not happening.

"Mitskuni," I whined softly. "Mori-senpai came up with the idea of having you stay at my house while you wait for your dentist appointment. How does that sound?"

"Really? I can stay with you?" Honey's mood brightened a bit, but he still wasn't his happy self. I turned my gaze back to him and nodded. He still had tears in his eyes, so I frowned slightly and pulled him into my arms.

"Yeah, it'll be fun. We'll have a little sleepover and everything," I told him.


When Mitskuni and I arrived at my house, he followed me inside. I could tell he was upset because of how quiet he was on the way over. He followed my up to the front door with his smaller hand grasping onto mine. I let him step in before me, and the closest staff members greeted us.

"Why don't you go upstairs to my room and put your stuff down, Mitskuni?" I said and motioned to the staircase. He gave me a small nod in response and before begining to head over. I waited until he was a good distance away before beinging to speak with the maid that greeted us.

I felt a little guilty hiding this from Honey, but I didn't want to upset him any more than he was already. After telling the staff that under no circumstances should Honey be given sweets, I went up to my room to find him.

He was sitting at the edge of my bed and kicking his legs back and forth at a slow pace. His head was hung low, and he barely acknowledged me when I entered.

"Mitskuni?" I called. He let out a small hum. "Is there anything, other than sweets, that you want? Anything at all to make you feel better?" I asked and slowly stepped over to him. I stood in front of him and held his face with both of my hands to make him look up and face me.

For a moment, he was silent. He did nothing but blankly stare at me, and I returned his gaze.

"No," he sighed out. "Well... can we just cuddle?"

"Of course, Puppy," I quickly agreed. "Let's just change out of our uniforms then I'm all yours." I quickly kissed his forehead and turned away from him to do so.

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