033. Impromptu Sleep Over

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"What did your dad say when you told him?" I broke the silence. I was leaned back against the headboard at a 45-degree angle with Honey laying half on top of me. His arm and leg were both sprawled over me, and he hugged me like a koala.

"He was a little confused at first," Mitskuni mumbled. "And he didn't understand it, but he's okay with it." He sounded happy, comfortable, and relaxed as he explained. I hummed and leaned forward to kiss the top of his head.

"My mom and sister were happy when I told them. I think they were happy that I was just able to talk to them about that sort of stuff," I thought out loud. "You know Junpei already knows, but he was already convinced I was gay before I actually told him."

"I like that you're close with your siblings, Kassie," Honey spoke without thinking. "I love Chika, but we don't always get along, and we don't have a lot in common as you and Junpei or... uh, Hiroto and Miyuki?" Honey spoke unsurely.

"Yeah, that's their name," I confirmed. Mitsuki nodded against my chest. We were silent again for a few seconds. I could tell Honey was starting to drift off because of his slowed breathing, and the way all of his muscles were untensed.

I didn't bother trying to wake him up. His dad and brother were still downstairs talking to my mother, so I knew they'd come looking for Mitskuni when it was time for them to leave. What I didn't expect was for me to start drifting off too.


When I woke up, I couldn't tell what time it was at first. I glanced around the room. It was dark, but there was a small amount of light coming from outside. The thing that confused me, though, was that Honey was still clinging to me. I laid there for a few more minutes and watched as more light entered through the window. The sun was just rising, so it was probably really early.

Honey eventually lifted his head up and blinked a few times as he slowly regained his alertness. He furrowed his eyes and looked over at me, confused. When our eyes met, he flinched slightly.

"Woah, sorry, I didn't mean to spook you," I whispered.

"Kassie? What happened?" Honey's voice was still groggy from just waking up.

"We fell asleep last night, and I'm guessing your dad left you here because they know how much of an angry puppy you are when they wake you up," I teased. Honey huffed and curled back into me.

"What time is it? Do we have to go to school?" Honey grumbled.

"Yeah, Puppy, you know we do," I whispered and started running my hands through his hair. That probably wasn't the best idea since he was starting to fall back asleep, so I stopped. Honey didn't react, so I poked his side. "Puppy, please don't go back to sleep."

"Just 5 more minutes, Kassie," Honey mumbled.

"Mitskuni, no," I groaned. He didn't respond, so I pushed him off of me and fully sat up. I knew he was still conscious, but he was choosing not to move. I stared down at his relaxed face for a second, then my eyes trailed down. Huh... I wonder if he's comfortable after sleeping in jeans the whole night.

"Kassie," Mitskuni mumbled softly and tried to pull me down with him. I let him, but only for a second, so I could kiss his cheek. Honey blushed but kept his eyes closed. I went over to my bathroom and ignored Honey as he whined.

As much as I wanted to lay back down and cuddle into him, I knew I shouldn't. We'd have to wake up minutes later anyways. I could already hear Junpei moving around in his room from here.

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