꒷꒦︶︰Chapter Five

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Jungwon headed to school with a puffy face and dried tears from all the crying he did the night before, Jungwon greeted Niki as well as Sunoo and waved at them with a weak smile. 

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Sunoo softly questioned, " Wonie? Are you alright? " Jungwon didn't even notice his face looked sad and full of dried tears. " Cmon hyung, you can tell us everything, what's wrong? " Niki was concerned as to why Jungwon's face was droopy, simply assuming he had been sobbing all night.

" He likes someone else, but I don't know who, " Jungwon addressed Sunoo, and Niki's jaw dropped in shock. " wait WHAT he told you? " Sunoo inquired. " Well, I decided to ask him last night if he liked anyone, and he said he does, " Jungwon replied. 

" Omg wonie.. It could have been you don't be stupid! You didn't even confess yet, and besides did he tell you who he liked? No right, since you said you don't know who he likes anyway.. " Niki reassured Jungwon that he still had hope. Sunoo agreed with Niki and tried comforting Jungwon and giving him confidence to confess today " It's now or never, you need to confess. " Sunoo sighed. 

" Fine, where's Jay i'm gonna confess now i think i have the confidence to do it. " Sunoo and Niki's face lit up and Sunoo and Niki to ran to find Jay and bring him to Jungwon.

End of Jungwon Pov

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Sunoo Pov

Niki and him split up and looked for Jay, Sunoo wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into someone he looked up and saw the tall man he bumped into yesterday. " Ah! I'm so sorry i was not looking where i was going i'm so sorry! " the tall man known as Park Sunghoon chuckled at the youngers cuteness, " It's alright, I wasn't looking where i was going either, " Sunoo wanted to know the handsome man in front of him his name. " Hey I wanted to ask if i can get to know your name? " Sunoo was squealing in his mind hoping the tall male would tell him " I'm Park Sunghoon, you? " Sunghoon? That name is familiar.  

" Hello? Helloo? " Sunghoon waved his hand at the young male that was spacing out " Ah! My name is Kim Sunoo ! " Sunoo awkwardly introduced himself, " Well Sunoo, I hope ill see you around sometimes " before Sunghoon left he winked at the smaller male and walked to his class. Sunoo stood there flushed at the older males charms and realized he was standing there for too long and dashed to continue finding Jay.

End of Sunoo Pov

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Jay Pov

After 30 minutes Sunoo finally spotted Jay and grabbed his arm " Oh hey Sunoo! Do you need anything? " Jay asked, " Can you follow me somewhere? " Sunoo pleaded " Ah.. Sure why not " Jay then waved to Heeseung and Jake and left with Sunoo. Jay was confused on where Sunoo is taking him but decided to follow the younger male.

When they got to Jungwon and Niki, Sunoo finally let go of his hand " Jay hyung, I have something to tell you. " Jungwon explained. " Yeah sure what is it wonie? " before Jungwon confessed to Jay he let out a heavy sigh " I like you, and no it's not the friendly kind I love you Jay ever since i met you. " Jay stood there in shock not knowing what to say. Jungwon on the other hand was tearing up expecting to be rejected " You silly, I like you too idiot. " Jay chuckled at the younger standing in front of him that was speechless Jay hugged Jungwon and kissed his forehead Jungwon didn't expect this he really didn't. 

Sunoo and Niki was cheering for the two new couple, happily congratulating Jay and Jungwon.

End of Jay Pov

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Sunghoon kept thinking of Sunoo, during class and even after class. When it was lunch time he saw his friends Heeseung , Jake and Jay all 3 looked like they were talking about something fun so he decided to approach them and sat beside Jay " Jay has a boyfriend now, " Heeseung sulked making the 3 friends laugh at him, they happily chatted with each-other while waiting for lunch to be over.

Sunoo was staring at Sunghoon not realizing Jungwon was calling his name, " Sunoo? Sunoo?? KIM SUNOO! " Jungwon yelled not caring if everyone was staring at him and his friends Sunghoon looked at their direction getting Sunoo caught staring at him he just smiled at the flushed male.

! | To be continued.

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