What do Quizzes do? (Speech)

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It's sad how people think that a teenager's life is just a small triangle consisting of enough sleep, social life, and good grades. But no, that not how it goes, our life contains social life, enough sleep, friends, school, work, family, class, organization, and all what quizzes do is add pressure on us. And we still get lectures on daily basis from our parents about how aour rooms are untidy. Now I do belive that education, studying, school, and good grades are what leads us to our bright future and our best colleges, but I also do believe that there is a healthy amount of challenge pushed on a student to do better in life, not so much pressure to the point were you just want to break down and cry. It has also been proven by psychologist that so much pressure could actually lead to severe depression, and it has also been proven that high schoolers in 2013 have the same anxiety levels as mental asylum patients in 1950, I repeat mental asylum patients do you think that our mental health and our mental stability is was more important than just some letters and numbers on a sheet of paper?

This was a speech I gave earlier to my school so I decided to publish it, hope you liked it..

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