Getting a job

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"Mike!" Sally yelled. "You can't get a job sitting on the couch!"
"There can be a place I can earn money by sitting!" I answered back without taking my eyes off the TV. She got in front of the TV. "Well not here! You know mom got pissed when you got arrested! So now you have to get a job!" I moaned. I got up and went to get the newspaper Sally conveniently left on the counter. I searched through the papers. Sally came next to me and said "hey look! This looks like a job you can do!" She got a red sharpie marker and circled an article reading help wanted family pizzeria looking for security guard to work the nightshift. 12 AM to 6 AM. Monitor cameras, Ensure safety of equipment and animatronic characters. Not responsible for injury/dismemberment. $120 a week. To apply call: 1-800-faz-fazbear. "But... I hate this place!" I said.
"Well good to bad". Sally said. "It's the only job available." I groaned

About half an hour later, I arrived at freddy fazbear's pizzeria. I went inside. I was greeted with a man wearing a business suit. He looked at me for a second. "Hey! You must be mike!" He said with delight. "Yeah. That's me."
We talked about what I would be doing for a while. He then asked me to sign a contract. It said stuff about not inviting friends, only staying in the office, and some stuff like that. I didn't bother to read all of it. The man smiled. "Your shift starts at 12 AM." I was just happy that I got the job.

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