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I woke up to the sounds of footsteps. I first didn't remember what happened. But it then came back to me. I heard someone call my name. "Mike! Miiiike!!" I then remembered that voice is was Sally. I then looked at the anamatronics. The kids. They weren't in the suits. I then realized what I did. I smiled. I freed the trapped souls. I did it. "Mike!"
I heard Sally say. "Sally!"I said."im over here!" She quickly ran through the door. "What the hell happened?!"
She yelled. "I'll explain later. My arms and legs are broken!"
"Oh god!" She exclaimed. She then took me to the hospital. After 2 days I went home. Home, sweet home. "Do you want something to eat?" Sally asked. "How about pizza?" I frowned. "Um... How about just ramen noodles." I said.
The last thing I want on my mind is pizza. She then started making the noodles. This gave me time to think. I released 4 souls... There were 5 kids... Where was the 5th kid?

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