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I was soon in the backstage, with a Freddy suit in front of me, as if they knew they were gonna get me tonight. I then got out of Freddy's grip and punched him on his nose, making a honking noise, he then fell back on the floor. I quickly ran out of the door. I went to the exit, turned around and said "goodbye, hell! Goodbye, chica, foxy, Freddy, and Bon-"


Bonnie jumped in front of me and grabbed me. I wiggled and squirmed but couldn't get out of his grasp. I felt like an idiot now. He then went for the suit and shoved my left arm in the suit. I then didn't feel good when a loud
SNAP! echoed through the room. I then punched Bonnie in the face. I looked down and saw what appeared to be a Bonnie mask. I looked up and saw a child that was forcefully stuffed inside the suit. He seemed around 6 years old.
He was bloody, his face was ripped, and he just looked gross. That proves my theory on the kids being stuffed in the suits. Then a light flashed from the face and Bonnie fell on the floor

Chica barged through the door. She grabbed my right arm and shoved it into the suit.
Both my arms were then broken! I didn't know what to do. I then had an idea. I kicked chica right in her face. revealing a 7 year old girl shoved into the suit. A light flashed from her face. Like Bonnie, she collapsed onto the floor. I then heard fast footsteps. There was only one mascot I've seen run. Just then-


Foxy came running through the door. He quickly shoved my leg into the suit. As I yelled in pain, my leg made a loud SNAP as it shattered. I them fastly kicked him in the face. His mask fell off and made a thump when it hit the ground.
I took a look at up the kids face. It was extremely broken down. Barely of his face was still there. One of his eye balls were missing. A flash came from the face once again, and he fell to the floor. Then I knew I was in trouble. There was only one more left... The last one is...


Freddy came into the door. Before I knew it, my right arm was broken inside a suit. I was hopeless. My whole body was in a Freddy suit. As Freddy reached for my face, I had an idea. I head butted Freddy in the face. He yelled. It sounded like a child... But I didn't have the time to care. He fell to the floor. I then started crawling over to him. As much as it hurt, I didn't care. I reached for his mask. I pulled it off with my broken arm. It revealed a kid that was around ten. I then passed out.

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