Call me back pt.2 (read a/n at the end.)

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Short part two. Read the end note.
Ashley pov:

I waited. For 3 long hours for Billie to call me back.

And finally.

She called me back.

"Yellow?" She said.
"Can you come over. I need to talk to you." I said.
"Alright. I'll be over in a bit." She said.

I hung up and placed my head in my hands before sighing loudly.

I'm pregnant.

I can't believe myself right now.

Billies so young. And has such a career. And all I do all day is dance in the living room of my apartment.

I stayed in my kitchen for a good 5 minutes, dreading the conversation I was about to have with Billie.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." I spoke dryly.

The door opened and Billie poked only her head in.

"Can shark come in-?" She asked.

I nodded and she opened the door, letting herself and shark inside.

I smiled when shark saw me and wagged his tail.

"Hey buddy" I said in a high pitched voice. (Me asf)

He spotted my German shepherd flash in her bed and ran at her.

They sniffed eachother before running down the hallway after eachother.

"Cute." Billie said.

I nodded in agreement and grabbed her hand.

"You might wanna sit down for this." I spoke.

Billie furrowed her eyebrows and walked over to the couch with me.

"What is it?" She asked.
"Im uh-I'm pregnant." I said.

Billie went silent and parted her lips a bit.

"I-" she spoke.

She went to speak again.

"I-I don't know what to say..." she spoke.
"Then don't say anything." I said.

Billie stared at me.

"Listen. I'm pregnant ok. And I'm keeping the baby with or without you. I know your young and you have a future, and so do I. But im just hoping you can help me raise our baby." I said.
"What? Of course im gonna stay?" Billie said.

I stared at Billie. God shes so pretty.

"Can I stay here tonight? I hate driving at night" Billie said.

I nodded and smiled.

We heard clinking on the wood floors of my apartment and looked over to see shark and flash walking side by side.

"They seemed to find friends in eachother rather quickly." I said.

Billie smiled and placed her hand in mine.

Butterflies filled my stomach when she gave me a wide grin and looked down at my lips.

I'm happy with her. And only her.

Hey :) so I do have a book I'm gonna be updating this story on. It's called crush culture. For anyone who wanted a part two this is not the entire thing the rest of the story will be uploaded on my other book. Love you <3.

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