chappy four

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At night, I secretly ran outside to go to the 'magical' fountain. I sneaked out from Aunt Cass, who's watching some scary movie with Mochi (her pet cat). When I got outside my house, I ran quickly to the right side of the fountain.

*sighs* I can't do anything here in my house, I mean, It's boring. I decided to go outside the house. Then, I saw a 'magical' fountain. I walked through the left side of it.

3rd person POV
So for short, they both went to the fountain without seeing each other.

Hiro said while staring at the fountain "I wish for no nagging around... That's all."

Vanellope said "I really wished to be tall, so no one would bully me about my mini size, and I wish I have an aunt or uncle (coz you know, it's cool)."

They both get their coin from their pocket and throw it to the fountain... In same place, same time.

Hiro was suppose to walk away, but he saw Vanellope walking past at him. He hid and peek, so she can't see him. When Vanellope's not around his sight, he ran through his house quickly.

When I'm at the front of our house.
Uh, oh! It's aunt Cass crossing her arms doing the 'you're busted' look and Mochi beside her. She grabbed his left ear, which is always the part she's grabbing painfully, and there's the nagging.

"oh, Hiro, It's almost 10pm! And you're outside! What are you doing? Bot fighting again, right?" she nagged.

"no, aunt Ca--" he said

"no, I know you're bot fighting and that's illegal..." she cutted him off.

But he cutted Off back.
"SHUT UP!! I'M NOT BOT FIGHTING! I JUST WENT OUT TO GO TO THE FOUNTAIN!! AND I KNOW THAT HAS NO CONNECTION FROM BOT FIGHTING." he shouted as Cass was remained silent staring at him at shock.

Then she slapped him.
"*sighs* Look, Aunt Cass! I'm so sorry at shouting at you, but you're always nagging at me every night ever since i'm Grade 3! I just can't take it-- *groans*" he said and stopped at the end, and ran upstairs.

When he got in his room, he threw himself over the bed, and let his tears out through the pillow.

After a few minutes, he finally slept.

When I woke up, I felt dizzier than before. Wait a minute... This is not my room!! Wait, why Am I... glitching? And... why do I have small hands?

When I woke up, I glanced around... Hey! This is not my room. Then I felt my bangs covering my eyes. Wait a minute, short messy black raven hair?

Hiro black hair ponytail with a small pieces of candy?

Vanellope long fingers?

Hiro green hoodie?

Vanellope dark blue hoodie?

Hiro brown skirt? Green striped stockings?

Vanellope Red shirt? Tan pants?

3rd person POV
They said in unison "which means..." as they looked themselves at the mirror. "aaaaaahh! I'm... In... Hiro's /Vanellope's body!!" they both screamed in unison.
Which means, they switched bodies.

Wow! Good thing, I'm tall now. Hihi! But, I need to find Hiro.

Oh, come on!? Why did I become Vanellope's? I need to find her!! *running* *groans* curse... This... Short legs!!

3rd person POV
They both ran through the school. "woah, why Am I dizzy right now?" Vanellope said as she sat down at Hiro's chair, which is now her chair. She just slept and forgot about... You know... About how her own body will came back.

Suddenly, the sweaty and panting Hiro came in and saw Vanellope sleeping on the chair... With his body.

He shouted "Vanellope!" making her wake up. She said "Hey! can you believe it!? Our body switched!!"

He said "I know right!?"

She said "our voice switched, too!"

He said while giggling "Now, I'm baby talking!!"

She said "And I had a manly teenager's voice!"

He said "We need to switch our body back... But how?"

Vanellope said "Where were you last night?"

Hiro said "Uh, at the fountain wishing. And I saw you there too, but... I didn't call you, coz you're walking away."

Vanellope said "Okay, later at dismissal, let's go to the fountain."

Hiro said "whoa, why Am I glitching??"

Oh, come on! He still didn't know about my glitching thing. Ever since I'm his classmate, i'm always glitching. Maybe, he just didn't noticed about it.

The magical fountain (Vaniro) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now