chappy six

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Later, 8pm, I fetch her at my house to show up at Aunt Cass.
I said to her "Tell her that you're going outside to the fountain with me."
She said "that's it? Don't worry! It's just a piece of cake!"
I mumbled "piece of cake, eh?"
She entered in my house and closed the door lightly, leaving me outside.
Okay, here it goes *giggle* 3...2...1!!
"Hiro? You came home late."
"Hi, miss... I mean, Aunt Cass!"
Good timing, isn't it?
"So how's you school today?"
"uhmm... just fine! Can I go outside with my friend?"
"but why?"
"you're just lying! You just wanted to go bot fighting!"
"It's true! She's outside, waiting at me."
I saw Aunt Cass glanced at the window to look at me. I waved nervously, then she waved back... In a friendly manner.
"Okay, I will let you go with her. But I had a question, is she your girlfriend?" making me blush. I think she's blushing, too.
"no, she's not! She's Just a friend of mine. Okay, I have to go now, bye Aunt Ca--"
"uh, uh, uh!"
that time, she's grabbing her left ear.
"ouch! Was that even necessary?"
"coz you forgot to eat dinner, mister."
"but... my friend! He... I mean, she's waiting there."
"Let her in for a dinner."
She opened the front door and gestured me to come in. Well, I did what she said.
I said "Good evening, Aunt Ca... I mean Hiro's aunt!"
Aunt Cass said "Good evening, uh... What's your name?"
I said confidently "I'm Vanellope Von Schweetz!"
Cass said "oh, I think I'm gonna call you 'Lope'!"
I said "no, you can call me... GLITCHIE!" at the last part, I shot her (Vanellope) an evil look as she punched my arm.
"ouch! Your'e not gentleman, are you?" I acted like I'm hurt.
Aunt Cass said "Hiro, It's not good if you punch a girl... Especially smaller than you."
She said "but, he... She... Nevermind!"
"so... wanna eat dinner here, Glitchie?" Cass said making her (Vanellope) facepalm.
"no thanks, I already ate."
After a few minutes...
"uhmm, Glit... I mean Hiro, we need to go to the fountain now, because maybe my parents were waiting for me." I lied.
"oh, Aunt Cass! We need to go at the fountain." she said.
"okay! But wait! I have something to tell you... Come here." Cass said while gesturing her to come near at her.
And she whispered something at her, well I didn't heard it. When She felt shocked, blushed and frozen, Now I wanna know about it.
"okay, go back here quickly." Cass said to her, while she turned away with a red face.
When Cass closed the front door and went inside...
I asked innocently "uh, what did Aunt Cass whispered at you a while ago?"
She said still having a red face "she told me that... I'll go... at the date... with you." making me blush, too.
I broke the 5 seconds silent "so... Now you know my relationship with my aunt?"
She said "yes, AND IT'S FREAKING ME OUT!"
I said "that's just the beginning."
She said " whatever! We need to change our body back."
I glitched and said annoyed "yeah, COZ I'M SICK OF THIS... GLITCH!!"
She said "speaking of glitch, WHY DID YOU MADE CASS CALL YOU GLITCHIE!?"
I said "first, It's a cute nickname for you. Second, that's for ruining my reputation in Art Class a while ago!"
She pouted and said "Let's go to the fountain, now! Coz when we don't, your... I mean, my aunt will grab my ear painfully AGAIN!"
I said "now, see what I mean?"
She said "yeah, I know! Let's go!"
While we're running...
She stopped running and said "now, you're saying that I have short and small legs?"
I said "uh, yeah! Even the people can describe that this is small and short, too."
She said "fine, I'll carry you!"
She carried me with her back and start running. Whoa! when I was at my own body, I didn't realized that I'm fast... At running.
When we got to the fountain.
She said "quick! Find your coin and I'll find mine."
I said sarcastically "such a genius!"
She frowned and said "why?"
I said "there's a lot of coins there, and all the coins are all look same."
She said ackwardly "oh... Yeah! I didn't remembered that!"
I gave up "then, we went here for nothing?"
She said "I don't think so."
She picked one at the fountain. Unbelievable!
She said "I got mine!"
I said "how... How did you know that... That's your coin? I know It all looks the sa--" I cutted myself when I looked closely at the coin...
I shocked and said "you... You threw a play money at the fountain? So unbelievable..."
I stopped, I remembered something...
---flash back---
Author's note: this happened before Hiro threw the coin at the fountain.
I was walking alone, that reminds me... How could I wish on the fountain if I don't have any coin? I checked my pockets, but no coins. I sighed and decided to go back at house. Suddenly, a coin in a ground caught my attention. I looked around and pick it simply. I looked at it and read "Fun Fair Token Coin" I giggled and got back to the fountain and started wishing.
--- end of flashback ---
"That's it!!" I shouted
"what?" she innocently said.
I didn't answer her question and started finding the token coin. Suddenly, I saw it. But I can't even reach it because of my DARN SHORT ARMS. So I swam and took it with me. When I lift myself at the water, wet, she jaw dropped while staring at me. She looked at my token closely and said "I think I'm not the only who's a tricker." then we both laughed.
I said "what do we do now?"
She said "switch our coins, I guess."
After we switched our coins.
I said to myself "well, goodbye no nagging world, goodbye glitch, goodbye short arms and legs... No offense."
She said to herself "Goodbye, high height, goodbye nagging aunt." then, I went to her house and she went to my house.

The magical fountain (Vaniro) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now