Chapter 15 || Those Crazy Girls

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Third Person

The four girls made it to LA with only minor injuries. The horses were okay too despite the swerving fest they had had earlier and the truck seemed to be intact.

The girls checked into their hotel and got to their room. Savanna and Mikala immediately plopped down on the big comfortable beds.

"Oh my God, I'm so tired." Savanna groaned.

"I'm sore." Mikala whined.

"You both need to suck it up." Shelby said, helping lug the suitcases into the room.

"So, where are you guys going to board the horses?" Mikala asked, propping herself up on her elbows. Emmy and Shelby just shrugged.

"Yu guys didn't think to think this out?" Savanna asked.

"Who thinks to think? That's just crazy." Shelby argued.

"So where are you going to board your precious ponies?" Savanna asked again.

"I have an idea." Emmy smirked.

"Ooh, what is it, what is it?" Shelby asked enthusiastically. Emmy bent down and whispered something in her ear. Shelby grinned an nodded.

"Are you girls up for a ride?"


Shelby and Emmy saddled up the horses and helped Savanna and Mikala onto their horses before Shelby got on her horse, Sundae and Emmy got on her horse, Nakhti. They roamed the busy streets of LA on their horses, using the directions Ana had given them to the X-Factor House. 

They came up to the house and shelby disembarked to ring the dorrbell. The door was opened by a security guard.

"Hi!" Shelby greeted the security guard, waving her hand vigorously.

"Who are you?" The guard asked, a bit suspicious.

"Oh, we're just here to see Ana. Now if you'll just let me through..."

"I'm afraid I can't allow that." The security guard said, perfectly stoic. Suddenly Ana showed up behind the security guard and smiled at Shelby.

"It's okay Mark. They're with me." Ana said and the guard looked at her for a minute before stepping aside.

"Hi Shelb-," Ana started foo but her jaw dropped before she could finish.

"You brought the horses?!" She burst.

"Yup!" Shelby replied excitedly. 

"Where the hell are you going to put them?" Ana questioned.

"That's where you come in!" Emmy said from atop Nahkti.

"I don't have the money to baord your horses!" Ana huffed. Shelby and Emmy both laughed.

"Of course you don't silly! We're not stupid." Shelby said, patting Ana on the head. Ana swatted her hand away. "We were talking about your rich blonde boyfriend judge!" She said.

"Niall? NIall is not my boyfriend! We aren't even friends!" She argued.

 " Uh huh, because complete strangers have each other on speed dial." Emmy smirked.

"I do not have him on speed dial! Ana yelled.

"Anyway, we were wondering if you could call him and ask him if he could pay to board the horses." Shelby said casually.

"You want me to ask him for money?" Ana raged.

"Well, he's rich, so what would it matter to him?" Mikala shrugged.

Mikala, you don't just ask people for money no matter how rich they are."

"But we ask you for money all the time." 

"That's because we are all friends.Friends can take other friend's money."

"So will you pay for it?" Shelby asked hopefully."No! I told you I don't have that kind of money."

"Maybe you guys could give lessons, or horse rides to get some cash." Savanna suggested.

"And I have some money saved up from workingaround the farm." Shelby said.

Ana sighed. " I do have about $4,000 dollars saved up. It was going to be for a car but..." She offered. "How much do you have Shelby?"

"After gas and food, $3,000 dollars." She said. "How long are we going to be here?"

"If I'm lucky, 10 weeks." Ana answered. "How much would it be to board for 10 weeks?"

"Probably about $10,000 dollars for 10 weeks, give or take a thousand." Emmy said.

"WHAT?! HOW DO YOU PEOPLE LIVE?1" Ana screamed.

"Uh oh! We only have $7,000 dollars!" Shelby exclaimed.

"Well, maybe Ana won't be here for 10 weeks. She might get kicked off the show." Savanna pointed out.

"Savanna! Don't say such things! You're such a pessimist." Mikala scolded.

"Well it's the truth." Savanna retorted.

"I haven't hit anyone yet today, but that might change>" Shelby said, bringing her hand up threatenly.

"Shelby, you will not hit anyone! Not yet anyways." said emmy.

"But why not?" Asked Shelby in her best baby voice, her bottom lip protruding and wobbling threateningly.

"Because I said so." Emmy answered and that was the end of that.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Mikala wondered aloud.

"I guess we just have to board the horses and pay for it ourselves until I get kicked off or something. I am getting paid for this you know. I just don't get paid until the end of the season." She explained.

"But by that time the payment will be overdue!" Shelby fretted.

"We'll just have to make it work." Ana shrugged.

"Okay, are you going to let us in or not?' Savanna asked. "My butt is starting to hurt from sitting on this horse."

"Hey, that horse has a name. It's China, thank you very much." Shelby informed her.

"I'n sorry. China it is." Savanna said dramatically. "Anyway, you didn't answer my question." Savanna accused.

"Yeah, you guys can come in." Ana said, stepping aside to let them through. Emmy and Mikala dismlunted but Savanna was still on China.

"Guys, a little help here." Savanna pleaded. Emmy laughed.

"Do you really not know how to get down?" She chuckled.

"Uh..." Savanna stammered in response.

Emmy justed laughed again and helped her down.

"Just tie the horses to the basketball hoop or something." Ana suggested. The girls tied up the horses and entered the house.

"So where is your judge boyfriend?" Mikala asked with a giggle.

"A) He's not my boyfriend, and B) Thy're staying in some fancy hotel somewhere." Anas sighed half in annoyance and half in exhaustion.

"So, why did you guys bring the horses in the first place?" Ana asked, just a bit curious as to why she now had to use her life savings to pay for an animal she considered uneconomical.

"We just felt like it." Emmy answered with a bored shrug of her shoulders.

"You just felt like it?" Ana repeated, a little dumbstruck at her friend's casual tone.

"Yep." Shelby answered for Emmy.

"You guys are certainly two very special snowflakes." Ana commented with another agravated sigh.

"We know." Both Emmy and Shelby grinned.

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