On The Road Again

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Ana's POV

"W. Smith, W. Smith, W. Smith to fight gate 23D." A feminine voice said over the intercom.

Iplaccurrently at the Seattle airport, waiting to board a plane to LAX. I had checked in my bags and had got through through security alright, but it wasn't like I was alone. I had Brian, and Mike, and Casey with me. We were all taking the same plane with the rest of the contestants to LA. Shelby, Mikala, Emmy, and Savanna had started to drive down to LA that very morning, after the had dropped me off. Although the wouldn't be there for at least a good 20 hours after I get there, they'll still be there for my moral support when it came time to perform.

Right then, Mike was whining about he couldn't smoke in the airport.

"Why can't I just take one puff?" He begged. "Just one little tiny drag?" He said, getting down on hands and knees.

"Mike, do you want to get us kicked off the show?" Asked Casey, a bit exasperated. "If you break a major rule like this in an airport, and this gets out to the media, you might as well just say bye-bye to the X-Factor!" She said, throwing her hands up in the air and then resting back in her chair.

Brian was idly flipping through a Vogue magazine as this was happening.

"What is it with you and weed anyway?" Brian asked Mike in a wholehearted tone, as if he didn't want to really know the answer.

"Well, I don't know really. It just makes me feel... good." He said, a glazed look on his face. You could obviously tell he wasn't quite sober.

"That's what they all say." Brian said, throwing the magazine lightly onto the small table next to him. "I swear, those magazines are all about sex and how to get skinnier. Even the drama is a limp as wilted lettuce." He said sighing. I just chuckled lightly at it all.

"So, darling, what would you do if you won the X-Factor?" Brian asked, looking at me and testing his chin in his palm. I was started a bit by his question.

"I'm- I'm not quite sure, to.be honest." I replied with a shrug.

"Oh deary me. So you have no plan whatsoever?" He asked, an exasperated look on his face. I just nodded my head sheepishly.

"Well, were going to have to fix that, but not today. I'm tired today. Maybe we can do it tomorrow." He said, also resting back in the chair and closing his eyes. I just sighed.

The plane was finally ready to board, and we all got on, all sitting pretty far away from each other.

I was seated between a balding business man and one of the other contestants. I think his name was Carson.

I brought out my iPod and put on my humongous SkullCandy headset and settled in for the three hour flight ahead.

We took off, and just as I felt eyelids drooping, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I looked around to see Carson smiling at me. He pointed to my headphones and I mouthed 'oh' and took them off.

"Hi, I'm Carson, and you are?" He asked, holding out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Ana." I said taking his hand and shaking it. His grip was a little too firm for my hand. He let go and I shook my hand out.

"Oh, sorry about that." He said, chuckling nervously.

"It's okay." I laughed.

"I uh, noticed you at boot camp. I think your pretty good." He said.

"That's what I was aiming for." I said.

"Maybe we could get together sometime?" He asked.

"Yeah, why not." I said. We exchanged numbers and talked for the rest do the plane ride. Carson was a sweet boy with a quirky personality that made me laugh. He said it had always been his dream to win something like the X-Factor.

We arrived in LA and got off the plane. Just outside the exit was a bus waiting for all of the contestants. We piled in and it took us into the Hollywood hills to a huge house.

"You will stay in here for now." A Sony employee said. "The LA contestants have already moved in. The others will be here shortly." She said before letting us off the bus.

"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." Casey giggled behind me.

"We were never in Kansas in the first place." Mike pointed out, obviously confused and we all laughed.

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