Last Day of Bootcamp

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Ana's Point of View

After a long week of Boot camp, It was finally over. I had made a few friends, including the boy with dreads whose name was Mike and he lived just South of me by 2 1/2 hours, in Eugene, Oregon. Eugene was rated the most hippy friendly city in the United States, and the college there, The University of Oregon, was also pretty cool. Mike was a funny person, especially he was high, which he was half of the time. I had also made friends with the nerd that had sat next from Niall. I had learned that his name was Brian, he was gay and that he lived in San Francisco. When I asked him why he didn't just fly to L.A. for his auditions, he said that he wanted a change of scenery and that we were going to go to go there for the finals anyway, if we manage to get that far. I had also made friends with a girl that I hadn't noticed until a couple days into Boot camp. Her name was Casey and she was a cowgirl to say the least. She lived near Boise, Idaho and she was pretty awesome. She had won first place at so many rodeo queen pageants and she would constantly talk about her horse, Daisy. When I had introduced her to the rest of my friends, they instantly became good friends.

Now that it's the end of boot camp, we will finally be told if we're going to fly to L.A. to move into the house, or if we're going to go home.

We were called to the main room where all the boys were, and Liam was holding a clipboard. They all looked incredibly stern and serious for a couple of guys in their twenties, but I guess they wanted to make it look good. Once we were all in line, Liam cleared his throat and started to speak.

"Today we will inform you if you have made it through to the next round of the competition, the semi-finals, where you will fly to L.A. to finish the rest of the competition. I will begin." He said, and looked down at the sheet on the clipboard and cleared his throat.

"Clara Ash." He called out and a girl squealed a few people down from and went to stand where the semi-finalists were instructed to stand at.

"Jack Benson." Liam called out again and the boy next to me went to stand with the Clara girl.

"Michael Cleavland." Liam called out and Mike walked past me, winking as he went to stand with the others.

"Brenda Gibb." called out Liam and a posh looking girl walked over to the others who had made it through.

"Jojo Hunter." Liam called out and a shy and innocent looking girl walked over to the other semi-finalists.

"Grant Jacobson." Liam said, and a small boy with thick rimmed glasses and braces shuffled over to the others, not standing to close to any one of them.

"Carson Low." Liam said and a muscled boy walked over to Liam and gave him a big bear hug, taking him by surprise. He also walked over to the rest of the semi-finalists and turned to the rest of the contestants with a big smile on his face.

"Casey Maddison." called out Liam and Casey hopped over to the other semi-finalists and jumped into Mike's arms.

I knew that after Casey was called, it was now or never. This was the moment of truth. I crossed my fingers in the hopes of raising my chances. I closed my eyes as Liam sucked in a breath to say the next name on the list.

"Ana Nunez." He said, and I let out a sigh of relief and opened my eyes. I ran over to Mike and Casey and they both hugged me. Now it was Brian's turn.

"Nicola Showell." Liam said and a small girl with an a line haircut and long earrings walked over to us.

"Roy Thurstan." Called out Liam. I knew that Brian's last name started with a V.

"Brian Vacarro." Called out Liam, and Brian strutted over to is as if he knew he was going to get through the whole time. All three of us enveloped him in a bone crushing hug.

"Hey, hey, watch the shirt." He said, pushing us away playfully, straightening his polo. We just laughed and hugged him again.

"Eireen Wimberly." said Liam and a slightly chubby girl jumped over to us, with a large smile on her face.

"Jaden Yancey." Announced Liam and the girl that had sat next to me during guitar walked over in 5 inch heels and a very revealing dress. When she saw us she scowled and walked away, he nose high up in the air. Well, she was rude.

"That's all." Said Liam before walking away, the other four boys following in his wake. The other contestants groaned and walked away with tears in their eyes. I felt bad for them, but I was too happy to care. All I was thinking about was how awesome it was that I was going to L.A. for the semi-finals. How much better could this day get?

There were some back stage people that walked up to us and told us to follow them, so we did, and they led us to a large conference room. We all sat down and the head personnel started to talk.

"Your flight to L.A. will depart at 9 am on Monday at the Seattle Airport so I expect you to be there at 8:15, all ready and checked in. If any family members or friends have come to or have planned to watch you compete, they will have to find another way to get to L.A. You will be moving into the House after you get off the plane in L.A. Good luck." Said the head personnel as the other personnel started to hand out the plane tickets. I grabbed my plane tickets and made my way to the parking lot to meet up with the girls.

I walked out into the parking lot and Mikala ran up to me and asked, "Did you make it through?"

All I could do was nodded my head vigorously with a ear to ear smile plastered on my face. Mikala hugged me and I hugged her back, soon to be joined by the rest of them. I was so happy, I had even forgot my 18th birthday was tomorrow.


So, what did you think? I did a little bit of foreshadowing for you guys. Enjoy the suspense! Mwahahahaha! :D

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