1. Hurting Isn't The Best Feeling

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It was ordinarily usual day for the two friends. Walking down the bustling aisle to get to their next classes.

Currently, being a senior was not an easy task. But somehow they managed to go through it together.

"Did you noticed him at the assembly just now?" As Jake blurted the words out, he can't contain his grin.

Getting no response from his best friend, Jake shifted his whole figure toward Sunoo. And in the meantime, he purposely blocked the path as a sign to force Sunoo offer him a reply. Grinning widely whilst the scene unfolded at the moment. But instead of a solid response, he got a sigh.


The reply didn't really satisfy Jake. Therefore, he waited the latter to utter more words. But instead, Sunoo just shut himself up. The younger kept walking quietly. But even so, his face wasn't in the state of sorrow. He shone an idyllic expression. The grin was brighter than usual.

"I'm guessing that someone is in love, isn't it? That was the reason he keeps ignoring me. Is it that blond dancer? Ni-Ki?

Kim Sunoo is in love with Ni-Ki!"

Jake quickly sprinted away from the younger. It looked like he was being chase by a mad bull. Dodging his fellow students on the bustling aisle had dulled his senses. And when he turned toward the stairs, he suddenly bumped onto something or more likely to be someone.

"I am very sorry!"

Jake bowed a few time. And the moment he lifted his head, there he felt a massively big smack.

Sunoo was extremely in rage. But the moment he peered the person in front of him, it got his knees weak. A figure that he recognised too well. It was Ni-Ki. Therefore, Sunoo froze for a second and fled the other second.

"I apologise once again Ni-Ki."

"Don't worry too much about it. It's not a big of a deal."

Jake trod the aisle once Ni-Ki had left for his class. On the way to reach his class, Sunoo suddenly appeared out of blue. He giggled quietly watching Sunoo trailed beside him as the latter carefully scanning the site.

"Where is him?"

"Relax. He had gone to his own class."

That was a big relief to Sunoo. It was extremely embarrassing to meet his crush in that state. To be more precise, like an angry bull. He didn't dare to show his face to Ni-Ki currently.

Once again, both figure trekked along side the path toward their classroom. At some point, Sunoo parted away from his best friend. That left Jake all alone by himself. But it's not a big deal. Then, he walked to his class slowly. But while he stepped closer toward his class, he coincidentally came across with Sunghoon. What a sore eye for Jake as the guy flirted with the girls.

Jake knew about his behaviour. It seemed like he was a poor nutured person. But even so, he didn't understand himself. Because he loved that guy so much.



Heeseung had suddenly hugged Jake from his back. And it extremely scared the crap of him.

"Aren't you late for your class?"

Jake didn't offer any response. But instead he just nodded his head. To absolute honest, he knew his teacher was absent that day. So, it didn't really bother Jake to be such in a hurry state to reach his class.

"Boys and boys? Disgusting."

It was a subtle remark from Sunghoon himself. Jake heard it when they passed by. The words pierced through Jake's heart. It crushed his heart into million of pieces. This was the reason for him to move on from that guy. But eventhough he acknowledged that, he can't even fall out of love.

Heeseung sensed Jake was a bit off. So, he dragged him toward his class. The latter dazed out for a minute or so until they reached his class.

"Thanks Heeseung..." Jake thanked the latter but Heeseung didn't offer any response. Just nodding his head and left.

But before he was out of sight, he turned to his back, "Don't pressure yourself. It's not good for your health."

Then, Jake broke into tears. He felt broken. He felt like dozens and dozens of arrows pierced through his heart. Eventually, he calmed himself down for a bit. And he wiped away the tears off his face.

Before he steps inside the class, he made sure to fix his uniform. He'll look stupid. Therefore, he released another sigh and adjusted his uniform for the last time. He pushed past the door open and he went straight to his seat.

There sat beside him, contrast of what Sunghoon was. Park Jeongseong or more widely known by the school as Jay.

"You cried?" Jay queried in concern.

Jay was the sky and Sunghoon was the earth. Both were different. Not even a single thing was the same. And even though they hang out numerous times but still, they were extremely different in majority of the aspects.

If it was put in context, the only thing that was the same was their family name.

Jay was kind and caring. But Sunghoon was careless and reckless

"Hi, Jay. I'm fine. I cried a bit," Jake answered in a serene look. But Jay would not be fooled by it. It's

"Is it because of Sunghoon again? Jake, I apologize for what he did. Really! I am really sorry for his behaviour."

"No. It's not like that. You don't need to apologize. It's no one's fault. I just feel under the weather because I just lost something significant just now. It's not really a big deal."

Jay didn't push the younger any longer. Instead, he just nodded nonchalantly. To be more precise, no one actually knew the fact that Jake liked Sunghoon except Jay. Some might think they hated each other. But in fact Jake actually extremely in love and can't move on from Sunghoon.

"Good to hear that..."

Jake hoped that he wouldn't be hurt that much. Because hurting isn't the best feeling.

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