12. We Will See Then

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It felt like Jake had been chased by something dreadful. Because, at that moment, his heart been pounding violently for quite some times now.

Both of Jake's hand were sweating.

It should've been like this. Jake should feel safety and a sensation of tranquillity. But right now, he couldn't help but to feel some sort of trepidation.

Numerous thoughts kept trailing inside Jake's mind recently. It's all crowding his brain. It's like they're playing with his own mind. Furthermore, he kept experiencing different kind of dreaded nightmares. It scarred him for life.

I should attend the therapy session again.

It was two years ago since Jake attended therapy sessions with the doctor that his father had assigned.

For some reason, Jake stopped attending it five months prior to his marriage. The reason was he felt that he wouldn't experience those frightful nightmare. And now, the nightmares that kept appearing in his dream had convinced him to attend it once more.

To absolute honest, Jake extremely hated the therapy session. It was draining. He couldn't keep up with the pace himself.

Stepping closer at the door, Jake couldn't help but to gulp. A sensation of terror creeped through out his whole body.

When he stood in front of the wooden door, he didn't do anything. Moment passed, he finally banged at the door and it cracked open, revealing Sunghoon.

The latter had both of his eyes pierced sharply at Jake.


Albeit Jake was hesitant at first, he tried his best to utter a word.

"Can you lend me your car today? I hadn't bring my car here so it's quite..."


The statement made Jake flabbergasted.

"Oh. Maybe you could send me to..."

"There's a bus, isn't it?"

Jake peered at the door as it was shut down. Didn't even listening to Jake's plead, Sunghoon had returned to his bed.

I'll just ride a bus then...

"I made breakfast!" remarked Jake but no response was heard.

Just swallowing everything, Jake retrieved from that room. It felt like his feet were heavy as he stepped downstairs. But it hurt more when there's no sign of Sunghoon confronting him.

Therefore, Jake just sat on the large dining table. Alone by himself, he stuffed the food inside his mouth. He wasn't hungry but he needed to eat.

When Jake wanted to leave, there's still a glimpse of hope that Sunghoon would send him there. But no sign of him at all.

"I'm leaving!"

Still, there was no response. Jake sighed heavily. Thereafter, he just trod down the path toward the bus station at the end of the pavement.

The day Sunghoon left him, Jay was there once again to send him home. Jay was always there to help.

Jake didn't like riding a bus. It felt claustrophobic. The compact and confined place always made him anxious. Furthermore, the feeling dizziness always present whenever he's in a compact space.

The moment Jake reached the bus station, he stood froze. His eyes caught a glimpse of someone he recognised very well. He anxiously waited for the person to notice. And when the person noticed him, both of them were locked in place.



Both of the latter had their eyes pierced on each other.

Suddenly, Sunoo sprinted toward him and tackled him. It had been awhile since Jake felt that warm hug from his best friend. And without him noticing himself, he cried helplessly.

"Sunoo! I missed you so much! I apologise for everything that had I done."

The hug was tight. As if both of them didn't want to let go.

"I'm sorry. I should've supported you. But instead, he rebelled against you."

And Jake could hear sniffles coming from the latter. Finally, they let go of each other. It felt like ripping through their friendship.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm fine, Jake. I'm really fine."

"I'm sorry I didn't come to your wedding. I went to a family reunion."

"No worries. It's fine. But Ni-Ki was there though."

"Jake stop!" The name mentioned made Sunoo blushed.

He is still the same Sunoo.

"Where are you going?"

"It's been awhile since I went to therapy session. So, I want go there today."

The moment Sunoo heard the statement, he furrowed his eyebrows in displeasure. A sensation of rages burning in his heart. But he tried to conceal his feeling. Sighing few more times, he tried to fix posture. He didn't want to destroy their friendship once more.

"Is Sunghoon that busy?"

"I... Quite?"

Jake, I'm not that dumb. I knew he's not busy.

It was just now that they rebuilt their friendships. And now, Sunoo already felt the rages to confront Sunghoon. But he swiftly shrugged those thoughts off.

Sunoo couldn't risk their friendships get destroyed once again by some bastard.

"Whatever. How about I accompany you to your session."

Jake just inclined his head in agreement. He beamed a glimmering smile. And coincidentally, the bus arrived right the moment they finished their conversation.

"The bus had arrived. Let's go."

Jake and Sunoo stepped into the bus. The bus was thankfully quite vacant with only two or three seats were occupied. And then, Sunoo hadn't even step inside but Jake swiftly paid for the latter.

Instead of smilling, Sunoo just furrowed his eyebrows while his eyes peered at Jake. Even with that deadly stare, Jake just smiled at the younger. And then, he grabbed Sunoo's hand and made him have a seat beside him.

"You don't need to do that. I can pay for myself."

"Just think it as an apology."

Sunoo sighed at the statement. It's not like Sunoo hated it but Jake had always pay for him. And it made him feel some sort of guilt.

"Okay. But next time, it'll be me," remarked the younger sternly.

However Jake just shone a silly grin. He knew it will always be his treat when it come to Sunoo. In fact, the stagnant guilt in his heart couldn't be paid with riches. It was the only way for him to really show that he was sorry for Sunoo.

"If you're fast enough then sure. But usually I was always the first one that finished showering when we're going out."

Sunoo rolled his eyes in annoyance. It was true.

"You'll see. Next time, I'll be the first one to go out."

"We'll see then..."

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