18. His Heartbeat

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It was only for one day. But the freedom he longed was finally there.

Even on his freedom, Jake still felt the containment. And with heavy heart, he dressed neatly. Brushing his shoulder, he went out from his residential area toward the car.

It was that day. The day he'd let go Sunghoon.

The scene these days made him prepared mentally. Even with all of his energy drained out, he still tried his best to plaster a smile. Jake was tired of crying.

Every moment passed felt like torture for Jake. He felt like the world would stop every second.

Jake couldn't register anything. It was vaguely remembered by Jake. Not even a single thing made sense in Jake's mind currently. The nervousness made his palms sweat. And every time he put his hands somewhere, it would leave a visible handprint.

Upon his arrival at the the court, it seemed like the place was inviting him. And seconds later, the familiar vehicle parked in front of him ached his heart. Tears accumulating in his eyes. And once again, everything seemed to be vague for him. The griefs was pushing him to cry. But he never let his tears fall.

He had seen how dumb I am. I don't want to look more pathetic in front of him.

"It's finally the time to let him go,"
Jake mumbled upon himself.

The words kept echoing in Jake's mind. Not a single thing could replace that thought inside his mind currently. With heavy sigh, he stepped inside the court. He hoped that this will bring a fullstop to his nightmare.

* * *

"You look pale. Are you okay?"

A query from someone he didn't expect.

"I'm fine," Jake responded shortly.

I'm not fine, Hoon.

Sunghoon didn't peer at the latter again as he trod the aisle, leading out toward the major road. Jake's eyes followed the figure. And before he knew it, he wasn't in his sight anymore.

"Congrats, Sunghoon. You are free again," Jake mumbled at Sunghoon even though he wasn't there.

Even with sadness, Jake shone a really wide smile. The court was now vacant. He sat on the benches as his feet couldn't support him anymore. And slowly, he broke down into tears while his smile still plastered on his face. Jake lost all of his strength to walk.

He's broken. A really broken man.

Feeling like he had taken too much time inside, Jake finally stepped out from the court. He was the last to come out.

The moment Jake walked out, His sight was filled with his friends and family. The people who cared for him. He shone a smile toward them and he took his step down the stairs.

"Jake...!" Everyone shrieked.

Jake smiled unconsciously. Getting some sort of flashback from that devilish house. Realising the fact that he never called it home is because it was never his his home. There's no love presence inside that household.

Heeseung panicked as he rushed toward Jake. There he could see the blood stain on the hard concrete. Even after yelling his name numerous times, the latter didn't respond.

"There's still breath. We can save him if he rush him to hospital right now!"

All the cars sped up to the hospital. It's like a race. A race for Jake's live. There wasn't any stopping. Everyone was concerned about him and they'll risk anything for Jake.

"Please don't give up Jake! If you survive this, we promise you'll feel the happiness you longed. Jake! Please God!"

Heeseung couldn't afford to someone like Jake. He valued Jake so much and seeing him in that state made him feel like something piercing in his heart. And thus, he prayed countlessly.

Jake hasn't found his happiness yet. Please let him live. He deserves to be loved all his life.

Heeseung pleaded in his heart. Not once he stopped his prayer. It's like it was the only thing he could think of in such traumatizing state.

Heeseung lifted Jake effortlessly once they reached the hospital. He couldn't care less about his surrounding. Bumping onto person and person until he reached the front desk. And without saying, the nurse sent him to his surgery room.

Doctor and nurses rushing inside the room. They could only see Jake out of sight once they passed the door. Chaos erupted the moment he fell. It's like everything flashed in a matter of second.

Hours of standing, and when finally the doctor was out with the nurses, they all rushed toward them.

"Doctor! How's my Son?"

"It's quite bad. When he fell down, he hit his head too hard. And we're scared that it'll infect the nervous system. But we already stitched it. He's already in his ward."

"Thank you so much!"

With that, they all sprinted toward the familiar room. Everything was escalating downhill. If they all knew better, they wouldn't let Jake stepped out from that room. It's bad. Tension were rising and everyone could feel it.

When they swung open the door, Jake laid lifelessly on the bed. The monitor beside his bed showcasing his heartbeat. And it was so low. Too low.

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