6. Cupid Is So Dumb

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It had been a year since Jake's graduation. And currently, he had been living quite financially stable. Adding that with the presence of Sunoo in his house, it's perfect.

"Sun! Do you want anything? I'm doing groceries shopping later."

"Oh could you buy me strawberry milk?"

"That's all?" Sunoo nodded without even glancing. His eyes fastened on the paper.

Poor Sunoo. He had a semester left before he could graduate. He tried his best to maintain his result all the course of semester. Jake sighed in relief acknowledging that he already made a massive leap, away from those misery.

Jake trailed the ordinary path toward the grocery store. It was no more than 4 blocks away from their apartment residence. But on the way there, he took notice of a familiar figure. Getting glimpse from the figure, he smiled brightly.

"Yo Jay!"

Jay scanned his surroundings and met with the brown-hair boy. Grinning widely, he welcomed the boy with a warm hug. And Jake without any hesitation, accepted the hug from the latter.

"Jake! It's been awhile since we met. How's life? Are doing okay?"

"Life is going well smoothly. How about you?"

"Mine is doing pretty well either."

Jake smiled brightly toward Jay. But then his smile dropped drastically when he sensed the presence behind Jay.

What the fuck he's doing here?

"I got what I wanted."

It was Sunghoon. His daunting nightmare. The latter noticed Jake's presence there. And then he eyed him for a brief moment but then returned his attention back toward Jay. Jake stood there in silence.

"Oh... I guess I'll do my shopping now. See you when I see you." Jake excused himself quickly.

"Not him again," little remark from Sunghoon.

Every time Jake encountered Sunghoon, he could feel his heart aching more. Little cracks will appear and it hurt him so much. And with that remark just now, it really showed how his presence was not welcomed by the latter. Small remarks that always leave scars onto him. Scarred his heart.

"Sunghoon shut up!"

And Jay was always there to shut Sunghoon up. Like always. But even with that harsh words, Sunghoon just rolled his eyes and bumped his shoulder. Jay sighed as he trailed behind Sunghoon. When he was out of the store, Sunghoon was already in the car. Jay extremely irritated by this act. He sprinted toward the car and sat inside.

"Why can't you act nice to someone?"

"Well because he's not someone."

The reply was so cold. Even Jay was too stunned by it. How can he say like that?

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to talk about this."

Sunghoon sped the car up, acting like an angry bull. His childish act was unacceptable. Jay peered at him with rage.

"Don't you dare tell them."

* * *

It was almost night. Jake had returned back from his shopping and he saw Sunoo already fell into a deep slumber on his crowded study table. The table was settled in the living room for Sunoo's own convenience. Jake shook his head and approached the table. He gently woke the younger up. Slowly, the latter opened his eyes.

"Go to bed. You can continue later."

Sunoo nodded. And then, he stood up and went into his own room. Jake heard the door shut and locked before he proceeded to go to the kitchen. But before he could even organise the groceries, his phone rang. It was his mom.

"Jake? Can you go back right now? We have something to discuss."

"Oh sure..."

Jake took the key on the desk and swiftly drove toward his house. Upon reaching, he could see his mom waiting for him outside. He wasn't really sure what's happening currently. But he just plastered a smile when he met with his mom.

"I'm here. And what is this significant matter?"

"Okay let's go inside first, Jake."

Jake trailed behind his mom back inside. And he saw that even his father was there waiting for him. He settled down on the sofa facing his parents. He anxiously waited for them to start talking.

"This is so sudden Jake. But just now we got a call from Mr. Park. He said that his son, Park Sunghoon wanted to marry you."


Jake was put in shock. It was just now that he had encountered that horrible guy. And now, he suddenly wanted to marry him. Furthermore, it was rather strange watching Sunghoon to be a bride with that horrible attitude.

"But mom... I just met him and he was horrible."

"I don't know how to say it either, Jake. They say they'll come tomorrow so that you two could know each other better."

Jake was in state of shock right now. He can't utter any single word. Everything didn't make any sense at this point. He tried his best to conceal his feeling.

"I'll think about it," Jake informed before he stood up.

"If you didn't call or text us before midnight, then we'll proceed."

"Aight mom."

Jake left the house quickly. And by the time he reached the house, it was already night. When he swung open the door, he saw Sunoo already studying once again. Sunoo noticed Jake's presence and scanned his best friend. Seeing the guy wasn't in his best state, he put his pen down.

"What happened?"

Jake looked up and sat next to Sunoo. He sighed few times. And after few seconds, he started to confess.

"Mr. Park..."

"What's with him?"

"They called my parents and tell them that Sunghoon wanted to marry me."

Sunoo eyes were wide opened. Jake nodded.

"Nonsense! Is this a joke?"

"I hope so. But apparently, they'll meet me and my family tomorrow..."

"Could you reject?"

"I guess I can but I'll give it a shot. Not that I can't reject it after meeting him."

"Jake! You should reject! What do you mean by giving it a shot?"

"I... I'll think about it then."

"You better think about it wisely Jake! This is not like those toddler's game where you be the mother and he'll be the dad!"

Jake just sat silently. He really wanted to follow Sunoo's advice, but when love blinded you, you'll be stupid. It's hard for Jake to move on from him. And it's been five years since. He's stupid. So stupid.

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