15. It Hurts So Much

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It was a familiar feeling. The drained out energy was not a bizarre thing for Jake. And when he reached back from the hospital, he couldn't careless about his surrounding.

Jake didn't sense any presence either nor he had seen Sunghoon in the house. After scanning the house, and no one was there, he walked the stairs to his room.

The moment he reached the front yard, he noticed the car was already gone. With that, he just assumed Sunghoon went out. And with how exhausted he was, there he felt vexed at his attitude.

How could he went out when I needed him the most this morning?

But that was it. Jake could only vexed at Sunghoon, but he could never confront the latter.

"Am I that dumb?"

That query was for Jake himself. The frustration and anger accumulated made him feel broken.

As Jake's figure felt heavier and heavier, he slowly slipped down the floor. Crying in agony once again. It was a sensation burning in shame. He knew he's dumb. But he kept asking that question in his mind.

After some time, Sunghoon reached the house. Once again, it was vacant. But he couldn't care less about that.

As if there wasn't anything significant for him to remember, he stepped inside his room. He sighed.

How can I win Siho back?

Sunghoon made a dumb mistake. He was so in rage the other day and he did a stupid choice. He thought of winning Siho back from Jake. But that's all. He hadn't think of the other plans. There's a glimpse of regret.


The phone chimed. The caller was unkown.


"Yo Hoon!"


"I reached Korea last week and already settled down. Let's drink tonight."

"You knew I can't miss this shits."

"Okay. At eight."

Sunghoon put down his phone. It still had few hours before eight. Thus, he continued his sleep. Covering himself in duvet, finally he fell into a deep slumber.

* * *

Night fell. The cresent moon shone brightly in the midst of the night. It was seven at night. Heeseung felt uneasy because of the incident in the morning. And thus, he asked Eunbyeol to check on Jake.

"Jake! We're here!"

It was strange. It was hours ago Sunoo picked up the call. And from Heeseung's calculation, Jake should had returned from the hospital.


Silence. No response was heard. Heeseung hesitantly came inside. If Jake wasn't inside, it will mean he intruded someone's house. But when he tried spinning the knob, the door wasn't locked.

Both Heeseung and Eunbyeol stepped inside. The house was covered in darkness. They tried to call out again. And no response again.

"I'll check the rooms."

"Heeseung... We shouldn't do that."

"I know but just in case."

Even though Eunbyeol was hesitant, but at last, she agreed. And she peered as her husband went upstairs checking the first room in his sight. Heeseung's hand was holding his phone as his torch.

"Jake! What had he done to you?!"

Eunbyeol sprinted upstairs. The light was now finally turned on. His eyes peered at the pale boy on the ground.


"Call Mrs. Shim now!"

Heeseung handed his phone swiftly. His eyes never leaving from the figure. Eyes filled with concern.

"They're on their way."

Chaos erupted when the parents reached the site. It felt like catastrophe. And swiftly, Mr. and Mrs. Park reached the house too.

"What happened?"

Everyone froze in their place. Rages taking all over them. Jake's husband was finally there. He just came out from his room.

"Sunghoon! Where the fuck you've been?! Look at Jake! What happened to him?"

"I... I... I..."

Sunghoon couldn't answer.

"You are a disgrace!"

That remark again. The remark he hated the most.

"He's old enough, isn't he? Don't you two hated him too when I said I want to marry him?"

Mr. and Mrs. Shim froze at the statement.

"And what if he dies? Who cares?"

"You filthy little..."


"How dare you call my son like that?!"

All fell into silence. It was first time Mrs. Shim acted that way. Even Heeseung was shocked. All the time he spent his time with Jake in their house, he had never seen Mrs. Shim in rages like this.

Sunghoon just stood still.

"So this is how everyone thought of me. I'm filthy. I'm a disgrace. A bad husband. A bad friend. A bad son."


"Shut up! Everyone thinks like that. You all are the same!"

Sunghoon didn't utter a word. His feet slowly retrieving from the room. And he sprinted out from that house. But no one was after him.

"Sunghoon...," suddenly Jake spoke up.

Even though Jake was weak, he heard everything. He gathered all of his last strength to call Sunghoon. But unfortunately, the latter had fled. The guilt in his head becoming prominent.

"Jake...," Heeseung called out.


As if Heeseung understood, he swiftly went after Sunghoon.

"Heeseung! Where are you going?" Quried Eunbyeol.


And when Heeseung was on the yard. Sunghoon didn't flee that far. He was on the other of the pavement. His car was parked beside the lamppost. But when Heeseung came close, the figure had already went inside his car, driving away from the residential area toward the major road.

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