14. Love Is Blind

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It was unusually quiet. The surrounding was giving some sort of eerie feeling. It had been few hours since Jake appeared in front Sunghoon's room, knocking and asking him a favour.

Sunghoon went out from the dark room. Scanning throughout the whole household, he didn't sense any presence. It was vacant.

Guess he hasn't came back.

The sensation of silence had given him sort of feeling. But even he tried his best. he couldn't pin point it out. A bizarre feeling that lingered in his heart.

The time Sunghoon got up was afternoon. Furthermore, he could sense that his stomach grumbling. He didn't even bother to check the kitchen and readied himself. Reaching the key, he stood froze.

How's he doing?

A peculiar thought that came up to Sunghoon's mind. But even before the thought could be prominent, he quickly shrugged it off. The latter when downstairs reaching the door frame, but soon stopped as he noticed the strange thing on the desk.


Sunghoon read the medicine carefully. But without much thought, he tossed the thing in the rubbish bin.

Driving passed the neighbourhood, he noticed a new family had settled down next to their house. But he didn't know the person. He caught a glimpse the silhouette of a man and women. A status quo for a family to settle on their first house together.

When he drove on the major road, he sped up his car toward the place he knew too well. A restaurant he always came when he was still a little kid. But the moment he left the car, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Jay!" The guy mentioned notice Sunghoon's presence.


It was rather awkward when they encountered each other recently. As if Sunghoon was a strange man now.

"Who's that?"

"You don't remember, don't you? This is Jungwon. My boyfriend. He also came to your wedding."

Sunghoon didn't notice the boy. He was full of himself at the wedding.

To add matter worse, Sunghoon scanned at the latter from head to toe. He showed a displeasure expression. And after he was done, his eyes diverted back to Jay. Full attention on the latter. Without hesitant, he raised his eyebrows and let out a sigh.


"Oh yeah. Where's Jake? It's been awhile since I met him. Is he doing fine?"

Jay scanned through his surrounding and his eyes landed back on Sunghoon.

"Are you alone?" Queried Jay once again.

"He went out in the morning. To somewhere..."

Why does he want to know Jake's whereabouts that much. He has a boyfriend, doesn't he?

Jay even though he sensed the unsettling vibes radiated from Sunghoon, he just concealed his expression. He understood Sunghoon's behaviour. It's different from him. Even his life was different from Jay.

But even with that acknowledgement, he couldn't help but to sigh at the childish behaviour.

"How about we all sit inside together? It's better than standing here under the scorching Sun. Won, choose where you want to sit."

Sunghoon rolled his eyes in irritation. There wasn't any apparent reason but he just felt those feelings burning inside his heart.

He got manipulated too easily...

"I'm fine with anywhere..."

"But Won, I asked you to choose. There's no need to be shy."

"Since we stood outside for quite some times, let's sit under the air conditioner. How's that?"

Jay inclined his head as an agreement. They then proceeded to head toward a table that was situated under the air conditioner.

After a minute of waiting, the waiter handed the menu.

The waiter left as soon as he wrote everything down. Jungwon could sense the stare from Sunghoon and Jay. But even so, none of them started to speak. The atmosphere felt quite dense.

Even when the food was served, not even a single word was uttered. And thankfully, nothing bizarre happened while they had their meal other than the fact, Jungwon kept sensing the burning stare piercing onto him. Jay just sat in silence.

When they finished eating, Jay volunteered to pay. Thereafter, they left the site with Jay and Jungwon to the west, and Sunghoon to the east.

Never knew that he's that bad of person. I thought he was nicer but it doesn't met my expectation.

"It's so obvious that he didn't like me," Jungwon announced suddenly.

Jay just sat in silnce. There was a long pause before Jungwon got a reply. Jay shifted figure, his expression showing it all. He sighed in disappointment.

"He's different, Won. Ever heard of the proverb don't judge a book by its cover? He is that kind of person. He judges people from status and looks. He used to hate gay people too but suddenly he married Jake."

Jungwon was put in shocked and disbelieve. He never intruded in Jay's personal life or his family life. But after hearing those statements, feeling of uneasiness appeared in his heart.

"Ain't no way Jake likes that guy! He's the worst person I've ever met in my whole entire life."

"I can't say much, Won. It's complicated. I tried to tell Jake before but he's oblivious..."

Jungwon shook his head in disagreement.

"Jake's a smart boy. There's no way he will fell on that guy," the latter tried to reason out.

"But he did, Won."

The answer was simple, but Jungwon couldn't utter or reason out anymore.

It was true. Even though Jake was smart, but he fell with that nightmare-fuel. It's so bizarre for Jungwon. He recognised Jake as the smart boy in their high school prior of his graduation.

Then, Jay spoke again, "Love is blind, Won. How much you want to deny those feelings, you just can't. It's humas' nature. Sometimes, even the smartest person in the earth fell into that trap. Love is so hard to explain."

Jungwon just couldn't accept it.

"Yeah... Love is blind."

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