Chapter 8

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When we got home, I unpacked my stuff, then we headed out to the rescue centre.

"Wow there's so many!" Yelena said in joy.

I laughed. "What one should we chose?"

We spent an hour sitting in the enclosure with the dogs. It made me sad to think about how they were all left and abandoned by the people they thought were their protectors.

A big dog came over and sat itself right down in my lap.

"Well hello there." I giggled.

"Fanny was a service dog, but was abandoned when her owner passed away." The volunteer said. "This dog has been through hell and back trying to get to safety. But it never stopped her from loving with all her heart."

I looked up at Yelena.

"I think we're going to take this one." She smiled at me. I beamed back.

"Great! I'll get the paperwork started." The volunteer smiled at us, and went off to the other room.

"This dog kind of chose you, Sofia." Bella told me, scratching Fanny behind the ears.

"I don't know about that..." I replied hesitantly.

"Yep. She did." Yelena confirmed.

I rolled my eyes, and followed Yelena out of the room to go sign the papers.

"Yelena. How are you?" I said once we were out of ear shot from Bella. "You've been staying really strong, but you can let it out around me. She was your sister."

"Thanks Sof." She tested up. "I miss her a lot. And I cry every night."

"I do too." I gave her a hug.

We headed home with the dog, and got her settled.

Bella was lying on the floor, cuddling Fanny, and Yelena and I were curled up on the couch. We were watching a movie, but paused it when Bella had to use the bathroom.

"Sofia, I don't think I can do this anymore." Yelena said suddenly. "I need help, and staying in this house where Nat lived, it makes it so much harder to move on. Right now, moving on and living life for Natasha is the most important thing we can do." She hesitated, and met my eyes, second guessing what she was about to say before she could say it.  "I was thinking about moving us to New York. We could still keep the house here, for vacations."

I turned to her, shocked at her words. "Okay." I considered it. "Bella needs be okay with moving though. It's my last year of school, and I don't really have many friends left. I don't think Bella does either."

Yelena looked at me. "You and Bella haven't been to school since the snap. And even before that, you only had gone for two years."

"Part of being one of the elite groups in the Black Widow program, is that you get taught school, based on the Russian curriculum. But 3 years ahead of your normal grade. It's very intense, and often scary on what they will do if you don't do well. Plus, in most cases, smarts is something that comes with the powers." I explained, watching for Bella to come back down the hallway.

"Right." Yelena nodded tightly. "Anyway, I've been looking at some places, and there's a cute apartment that has 3 bedrooms, and a balcony, for Fanny. I'll send you the pictures?"

"Sure." I nodded, and Bella walked quickly over to us.

"Can I talk to you quickly?" Bella asked me.

I followed her into her bedroom, and sat down in her desk chair. "What's up?" I asked, concerned for my sisters facial expression.

"I... I think I got my period." Bella looked at her lap. I forgot for a second that Bella never made it to that stage in her training before Yelena and Nat rescued us.

"Okay... why don't we go to the store and get some supplies?" I said calmly. I held my hand out for hers, and she took it. We went back to the living room, and I told Yelena.

We quickly got in the car, and drove to the nearest drug store.

We found the isle, and searched through the products.

"I'm really sorry, Bells." I looked at my little sister. "But I don't really know what to look for here."

"Can you call someone?" Bella asked hesitantly.

I pulled out my phone, and called Wanda. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Sofia. What's up?" She asked.

"Hi Wanda. So, my little sister, Bella, just got her first period and I don't know what to do." I said, walking away from Yelena and Bella.

"You don't have yours?" Wanda replied, confusion seeping into her voice.

"Involuntary hysterectomy. Part of the Black Widow training program." I fiddled with some candy. "Bella didn't make it to that stage before we were rescued."

"Oh wow. Okay." Wanda said quietly. "You're going to want pads, and grab some tampons too, but I think for her first time pads are better. Grab some for light flow, heavy flow, and night time."

I headed back to that section, and looked through the supplies before grabbing some packages. "Okay what else?"

"Advil for cramps, and maybe a hot water bottle? And chocolate." Wanda thought for a second. "I have this special type of tea that..." she sniffed. "That Vision always made for me. It's a herbal tea, and it helps with cramps and some how mood swings. I'll send you the recipe."

I winced at the mention of the red mans name. "Thank you so much, Wanda. I really appreciate it."

"Of course, Sofia. Call me anytime." She said kindly. "Next time you're in New York we should grab lunch or something."

"That would be great."I smiled.

"Bye! And good luck!"

"Thanks again! Bye Wanda." I hung up, and grabbed the medicine and chocolate before checking out.

"Thanks, Sof." Bella grabbed my hand.

"Of course, my love." I smiled at her.

We checked out, then went back home.

Bella went immediately to the bathroom, and did her business. She came out and shot me a small grin.

"Thanks for calling Wanda." She hugged me. "I'd really like to meet her."

I glanced at Yelena who nodded curtly.

"Bella, how would you feel about moving to New York?" I put my hands on her shoulder.

Bella hesitated. "As long as I'm with you, I'm okay with anything." She said finally, letting out a quiet breath.

"Okay." I smiled at her softly. "But if you want to stay here, we will. We only want to move if you're comfortable with it."

"I am. Really." Bella assured me. "I don't have many friends and it would be nice to get a fresh start."

"It would." Yelena sighed. "It really would."

I laughed quietly. "Okay. We'll look around for a place."

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