Chapter 5

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I got on a plane, supplied by the late Tony Stark, and tried to get comfortable. The last time I was on a plane was with Nat, surrounded by the Avengers.

Now I'm all alone, trying to get home to see my sister.


A few hours later, we landed in Toronto. I walked out of the airport, and spotted Yelena holding up a sign with my name.

I ran towards her, and Bella appeared out of no one, and smashed me into a bone crushing hug.

"Bella." I whispered, tearing up at the sight of my sister.

Yelena came over, and wrapped her arms around me. "Привет, красавица (hello beautiful)" Yelena whispered.

"Nat... Nat's gone..." I felt the tears come again.

"It's going to be okay, Sofia. I promise." Yelena whispered, choking back tears of her own. "Now, let's go home."


Yelena drive us home, and Bella went to her room.

"Please, tell me everything that happened." She begged.

"We went to Wakanda, then we fought Thanos, and he snapped. Everything went white, then a bunch of started dissolving. It just felt like a second, but then we reappeared and Dr. Strange was there, and he took us to a big battle in New York. We fought hard, and Stark ended up snapping to get rid of all the aliens, and Thanos. He died saving us." I sniffed.

"I wish I was there. I wish it was me, and not Nat." Yelena sobbed into her hands, and I wrapped my arms around her shaking body. "You girls need her. No one needs me."

I started crying at that statement. "Please, don't say that! I need you! Bella needs you! There's noting we can do about Nat's death, except live and fight for her." I decided.

"When did you get so smart." Yelena laughed sadly.

"It's going to be okay, We're going to be okay." I put my forehead against hers.

She whistled, and I whistled back.

Authors note:

Sorry for the short chapter, I just thought this was a good note to end the chapter on. The whistling is from the movie Black Widow.

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