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Sorry that theres more angst- I'm currently in a terrible mental state so I'm projecting that onto Jake haha 😚✌️

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE! BUT YOU'RE DEFINITELY NOT A FUCKING FAGGOT!" He screamed, inching closer towards the younger male. The screaming making him back away from the older one, terrified on what he will do to.

"D-don't ta-alk to me l-like that!" The younger male said, having a random burst of confidence.

He looked up towards his father, pure anger painted over his features. Not even having to say any words. Just the way the older males expression toward his direction telling him everything he needs to know.

The one once of confidence he had moments ago slipping away quite quickly, terror covering up the confidence, almost as if it never existed.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?! YOU CAN'T EVEN SPEAK CORRECTLY YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" He punches Jake, the punch making him fall to the ground. His father looks down upon him, wondering what he did to deserve such a weak; pathetic, son.

Jake gets in a crawling position, attempting to stand up. Already knowing the answer to his attempt, that he wouldn't be able to.

His father kicks him, the kick making him fall back onto the ground. "GET UP, IT WASN'T THAT BAD!"
Jake just groans in pain, the whining making his father roll his eyes.

He kicks him again, this time the kick making Jake cough up blood. He attempts standing up again, fortunately the attempt being successful this time.

Wrapping his right arm around his chest, (Jake's father kicked him in his rib cage on the right side both times) limping up towards the stairs to get to his room. The yelling coming from his father becoming a big jumble of words, not being able to pay attention to anything he was saying.

Jakes POV

I finally made it to my room, the right side of my body aching in pain. My eyesight becoming worse every second, everything being blurry.

Why do I have to be so weak? I can't even fight back! I deserve this. All of what my dad does has to be because of something I did, why else would he do this stuff to me? But what did I do?

Cause I'm a disgusting faggot?
Cause I'm weak?
Cause I'm a mistake?
Cause I'm pathetic?

Most likely just from my existence.




Out of anger and disgust I punch the wall. My knuckles now also aching in pain, adding to the already unbearable pain I was feeling from what my dad did. At least the punch made me get of whatever depressing shit mindset I was in.

What did I just do..

Damnit. Now I also have that to bandage and worry about. Great, just great.

Should I tell Devon? He's the only person that I trust enough to tell about this situation, and the only one that'll answer my texts or calls almost immediately.

I don't want to bother him though. He already has his own things to worry about, I don't need to be added onto that list.

I ignore my thoughts. Devon has reassured me multiple times that I'll never bother or annoy him, no matter what I tell him. I limp towards my bed; grabbing my phone.

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