Comic books

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More fluff bitch <3

I've only had made fluff recently-
wow, that's new 😀

Third-person POV

"I'm boreddd!!" Jake whined. Collapsing back onto Devon's bed, his body facing the ceiling. Devon removing his attention from the comic he was reading to look at Jake. "Then do something, I don't know." Devon responded to Jake's whines, starting to get irritated by him.

He's been whining and complaining all day that he's been bored, Devon just ignoring him, thinking that he'll find something to do later. But, no, of course he doesn't.

"There's nothing to the dooo!" Jake whined again, rolling his body, so now he's laying face down on the bed. "Well, could you go complain to Junior? I'm trying to read this." Devon asked, turning his attention back to his comic.

Jake perks up, turning his head towards Devon, just now noticing that he was reading. "Whatcha reading?" Jake moves closer towards Devon, looking over his shoulder, trying to see what he was reading.

"I'm reading this new comic that my mom bought me last week, it's actually pretty good." Devon replied, excitement lacing in his voice, no one has asked him about any of his comic's before.

Jake actually seemed relatively interested in his comic's. Nobody has ever shown any interest in them before, Devon feeling excited; excited that he has someone he can show his comic's to.

"Do you want me to read you one?" Jake shakes his head vigorously, excitement painting over his facial features, Devon being thrilled about him being excited.

Jake sitting down beside Devon, eagerly awaiting for him to begin reading his comic. Devon flipped back to the beginning of the book; looking at his lover with appreciation and love in his eyes, this feeling only being towards him, for now, and forever.

Devon begins reading the comic, not particularly paying attention to the words of the story, this being him having already read more than half of it already, and him getting distracted by the male sitting next to him.

He just couldn't take his eyes off him, everything about him was perfect. There was nothing Devon didn't think was perfect about Jake. Even when he ignores and yells at Devon, he'll always love him and find nothing imperfect about him.


The two finished the comic, Jake having a confused look on his face, questioning the ending and the motives of the main character. "Why did he do that? He easily could've picked the other option! But, oh, no, I have to save my girlfriend instead of the entire world-"

Jake begins to rant about how the main character was wrong, and that he wasn't a real hero. Devon just stared at him; admiring him. Thinking that it was cute when he ranted about things, Jake could talk about anything, and he would pay attention to every little detail about it.

Once Jake is finishing ranting about the main character and the story, Devon gets another one of his comics, opening it up to the first page. Jake noticing this and quickly shutting up, looking towards Devon with anticipation, a huge smile plastered on his face.

This is how the rest of the day went for the two boys. Reading comics, Jake ranting about the characters and storyline, and Devon admiring his boyfriend.

The perfect day.

Sorry that this one is short, I didn't have any other ideas for this one, but I think it's good otherwise.

I'm actually proud of this one
and not feeling like this was only made for me to post and fill in my laziness in not posting 😀

602 words =]

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