Christmas day (part 2)

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Slight tw for mention of a dead mom

Wow- this ones just a fluff oneshot

Part two of last oneshot (Christmas eve)

The sun shining through the blinds, outside being the perfect mixture of not to hot or to cold; being just right. The smell of freshly baked cinnamon rolls lingering all around the house, the sugary smell entering Jake's nose, leaving an enticing embrace.

Jake's eyes fluttered open, the sun making him squint his eyes, soon adjusting to the brightness he opens them up again and sits up right on his bed; stretching.

He gets up from his bed, groggily, sleepily walking towards the bathroom to do his usual routine.

As Jake was brushing his teeth, he miraculously remembered that it was Christmas day! He quickly finishes every other objective he had to do, and rushes down towards the stairs.

Once upon getting downstairs, he sees a dozen, maybe more wrapped presents under the tree, the tree that he helped decorate! Jake was in shock; shock that there was actually presents under the tree like he remembered, but there were more presents than before.

Devon noticed the sudden presence of Jake, observing the pure shock and joy painted on his face, his eyes being glued stuck on the presents. Devon walks over to him, peppering a kiss onto his cheek, this making Jake remove his gaze from under the tree.

Jake turns his head towards Devon, his face becoming bright red from embarrassment, Devon laughs at his embarrassment; in a lighthearted, teasing way.

"I h-hate you!" Jake stammered, trying to find what to say, this just making Devon laugh even more. Jake turns his body away from Devon, forming his face into a pout.

"No, you don't~" Devon teased.

Looking back to where he originally was before he left towards Jake, noticing that his mom was on a call, most likely just talking to family. Why would anyone call for something important? It's Christmas.

"Hey mom, can we open our presents?" Devon asked, wanting approval from his mom, having no particular reason as to why, just that he respects and appreciates her.

She turns her attention towards Devon, shaking her head in the motion of yes; returning her attention back to the conversation she was having on her phone. It must be essential, but what possibly could she be talking about? And to who.

Jake was somehow already tearing apart the wrapping from a random present he had picked out, hopefully he saw who the present was for and didn't just choose to randomly open it.

(Time skip)

The two boys had both finished opening up their presents, until Kim came over and gave Jake a special present, or as she said: "a unique present."

Jake shakes the present, trying to figure out what was underneath the wrapping paper that covered it, this making the gift and every other gift they got a surprise for what the present was.

He begins to rip the wrapping paper, excitedly awaiting for what the present was going to be.

It was a good guy doll?

Is she not aware that neither of them were four to seven? But unexpectedly, Jake was super excited about the doll, this making Devon feel happy that he was happy. That's all that mattered to him.

Jake gets up from down on the floor; tightly wrapping his arms around Kim and thanking her; for everything she has done for him. It didn't matter if what she did was a year old, he still felt appreciated and loved from her actions.

Which he'll always be grateful for, even after ten years Jake will still about those moments, especially the ones around Christmas.

Kim Evans is one of the first adults Jake as ever trusted and fully felt safe with, this being a good improvement from when his mom had firstly died, and when he had first moved in with them.

He knew his mom would be proud of him for trusting in a adult again, that making him smile proudly.




And if you don't celebrate:

711 words :p

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