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Requested by: animezsimp thank you for the request <3


italics mean the person is thinking =]

(In this au Chucky doesn't exist and that'll be in most of my oneshots)

"YOU CAN'T STAY IN YOUR ROOM FOREVER YOU PEICE OF SHIT!" He slammed himself into the door, the force of his body making the door shake. I huddle into the corner of my room, trying anyway possible to be as far away from the door as I could.

He'll give up after awhile, then he'll just yell random threats and insults towards me.

"Come on buddy, why don't you just open the door? You don't want your dear ol' pal to be sad do you?"

The words ringing throughout my head. Memories of what happened last time when I opened the door flowing into my mind. "L-leave me al-lone!" I shouted. placing my hands around my ears, awaiting for the yelling to continue.

Jake's POV

I jolt up; hyperventilating. The feeling of being alone and terrified clouding my brain, everything in my brain blurring, melting together. My brain convincing me that I'm still locked in my room hiding away from my dad.

Tightly shutting my eyes closed, wrapping my hands around my ears, anticipating to hear yelling any second.

Hyperventilating, shaking, sobbing.

I feel a hand lightly wrapped against my arm, anticipating for my dad to roughly lift me up by my arm, looking down upon me with anger painted over his features. But his grip is usually harsh and tight around my arm, this time I almost didn't notice the hand around my arm.

"Hey Jake, it's me, Devon. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

Devon? But my dad is here.. was he never here in the first place? But he was. I heard, felt his presence, he was there. I'm sure of it.

I slowly remove my hands from my ears, carefully looking up towards whoever was in the room with me. Not really trusting that I wouldn't be met with my dads enraged gaze when I look up, though Devon's voice sounding so real.

I look up, being met with delicate dark brown eyes looking at me with the most love and care. Devon being the only person that has looked at me with such love and care before.

"See? I'm not going to hurt you. Do you wanna cuddle?" Devon reassured me. He opened his arms widely, indicating to me that i'm allowed to sit in his lap.

I looked at him skeptically; not fully trusting that anything that was happening was reality, even if I'm just imagining all this I would rather that then being terrified for my life while huddled in a corner in my room.

Third person POV

(Didn't make this clear but they are on the floor of Devon's room) Jake crawls towards Devon; sitting in his lap, burying his head into the crook of Devon neck, him wrapping his arms around Jake protectively.

"Love, could you tell me what made you panic like that?" Devon asked the boy sitting in his lap, playing with his curly brown hair. Feeling pity for the boy. What could've possibly made him panic like that? It mustn't have been pleasant.

Jake stiffened. Anxious; anxious on what to tell Devon, him not having told Devon about the abuse yet. What was he meant to tell him? That his dad abuses him, and he's scared for his life whenever someone isn't over? Not going to happen.

Maybe just subtly hint at it?

It's easier said then done. It's terrifying and challenging to tell someone information like that, even telling someone that you completely trust with your life, who you would die for. (This is just from my own experience when I told someone about my own problems with this stuff)

"I- um, I had a dream about my d-dad.." Jake stammered, Nervous for Devon's reply.

What if he's angry at him?
What if he hates him now?
What if he breaks up with him?

Devon tightens his grip around Jake, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. He felt guilty; guilty that he never noticed anything, now that he thinks about it he realizes how obvious the signs were.

Jake never wanting to talk about his dad, them not ever hanging out at his house, the way Jake subtly flinches whenever someone moves quickly or moves their hand near him.

You would have never noticed any of these things if you weren't around Jake all the time, Devon always being around him, slowly noticing all the signs.

But never saying anything.

Wishing that it wasn't what he thought it was, just wishing in the back of his mind that there wasn't any reason as to why Jake acted the way he did.

Unfortunately, we all don't get what we want.

"You know you could've told me, right? But I understand. It must be very hard to tell someone this information. Just know that you can tell me anything, and that I'll always love you." Devon told Jake, rubbing his back.

Salty clear tears rolling down his cheeks; disappearing when they go down his jawline.

Jake removes his head from Devon's neck, looking up to meet Devon's eyes, seeing the tears built up in his eyes. Now seeing how much Devon actually cared about him making him cry more, not realizing how important he is to Devon.

Devon kisses his exposed forehead, wiping away his new found tears, "thank you, I love you." Jake said; yawning, placing his head back to its original spot on Devon's neck. "You tired?" Devon asked, the answer being quite obvious but still asking the question anyways.

"Mhm" Jake shook his head in the motion of yes, being to tired to be able to talk.

Devon stands up, making sure he doesn't drop Jake, Jake instinctively wrapping his legs around Devon's waist. Devon walks toward his bed, laying Jake down, carefully placing the blanket on top of his body. Climbing into the bed with him; placing the blanket on top of himself as well.

Jake moves toward Devon, burying his head in his chest, Devon wrapping his arms around Jake's body.

Jake feeling his body start to slip away. Feeling safe falling asleep for the first time in a while.

1103 words
Sorry if the oneshot isn't exactly what you wanted, you are allowed to critic me!! :D

And sorry if I didn't describe a anxiety/panic attack correctly, I just explained it on how they feel for me when I have them.

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