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Everybody is aged up in this (21-22)

There is more swearing than normal in this one 😃

Jake and Devon live(d) together in this!


His favorite flower.

I miss him.
Every day,
Every hour,
Every second.


Why did he have to do that?


It's their fault.
Both their faults.

"Why are you here?!" I screamed, tears brimming my eyes, threatening to escape; having been keeping all my emotions in since I discovered his lifeless bloodied body collapsed on the ground.

They both just looked at me, wide-eyed. Nobody seemed to care, or even notice the situation that was happening right before their eyes.

"I'm his fucking father! Why wouldn't I be here?!" He screamed back, no hint of sadness in his voice; though being at his child's funeral.

Anger, pure anger in his voice.

The other just looked down at the ground. Her arms wrapped around her body; shaking, as if she was attempting to keep her composure.

"If you're his fucking father, why did you beat him until he could barely fucking walk?! Why would he flinch away from any physical contact? Can you answer me that?"

Everybody looked from me to the man standing in front of me, wide-eyed. None of them wanting to believe the words I questioned him with, not wanting to accept them. Though themselves just being some measly words, the words being the cold truth.

"Shut up you useless piece of shit! He deserved it anyway, he could barely even take two kicks without crying like a bitch!"

"Don't call my son useless! And don't call your son a bitch, you're at his funeral." My mom said; crossing her arms angrily. Walking over towards the two of us, stepping in front of me protectively.

Fire forming in both their eyes; anger connecting their stares.

"If you're just going to argue and insult people, you should leave." She threatened, making the man shudder in fear.

Now it's just you and me.

"I'm sorry for not telling anyone about your father, I didn't want to lose your trust. But I just made things worse," I cried. Looking down at his grave, hoping all this was just a twisted dream.

"I know you would tell me that it's fine, but it's not."

Tears clouding my vision; everything blurring together. Not caring about the said now streams of tears gliding across my face, letting them fall down peacefully. The only peaceful thing I've experienced in awhile.

"I love you. None of this was your fault, you just couldn't take the pain anymore." A small smile creeping onto my face, somehow feeling some sort of comfort talking to 'him'.

Placing a delicate; deep, dark red rose on top of his grave.

Your favorite flower.

473 words

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