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I've been starving myself recently (for personal reasons)
so this is me projecting that onto Jake 😀 lol-

It's too much.

Everything, is all too much.

I hate this.

Someone, please kill me,

I can't take it anymore.

"S-stop it, you're sca-aring me!"

Everything is blurry, my head is pounding, I can't feel anything.

Where am I?

Am I finally dead?

Tears rolling down his face, realizing what had happened, they found out.
The thing he's been hiding ever since he could remember.
But they still found out.

He felt arms wrapped around his fragile body; tightly. They were Devon. Though, he could hear others close around him. They were all crying, this making the boy feel pathetic.

Pathetic that he couldn't hide it anymore,
That they all found out,
He burdened them with his problems.

Never had any intentions on them finding out.
Never planning on it, thought he would be dead when they found out.

They did.

"Jake? Can you hear me?" a different voice spoke, worry lacing in their voice, it being quite obvious they were trying not to sound like they were about to burst into sobs.

Slowly shaking his head, there being somewhat of a struggle, his head feeling like it was an apple hanging down from a tree, trying to lift it's head up. Though, he still was able to reply to the question.

His eyesight becoming a bit better; able to tell that his head was planted on somebody's lap, most prominently Devon's.

The voice seeming as if it were towering over him, this making it most likely that Devon was the one who asked, the others seemingly sitting around the two.

"What happened?"

What did happen?

I can't remember anything that happened before this. All I could remember was throwing up, then seeing dots cover my eyesight, and now I'm here.

"I- I.." trying to speak, but no words could come out, no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't.

Sobbing; sobbing was all you could hear coming from the boy, making the others cry more.

This isn't real.

None of this is, it can't be.


That's all I am.

All I want is to look good enough.


This was the only way.

Why do they care?
I'm not worth it.

Food; eating, is disgusting.

It's just a waste of time.

Maybe if I wasn't fucking fat, I would be happy.

"I-I'm sorry.." he abruptly said, making the others become silent, why was he sorry? There was no reason that he should be sorry.

What I'm doing is perfectly fine.

It's not harmful to my body.

All I'm doing is starving myself, it's not bad.

"You shouldn't be sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't notice earlier. We're all sorry, so don't say apologize,"

"All that matters, is now we can help you."

Sorry if this isn't completely correct-
It is based off my experience and thoughts when I do this type of behavior.

Just to say I'm not diagnosed with any eating disorder, again this is based off my own experience.

538 words
Sorry that it's shorter then usual!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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