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17. ⍢⌠i ɱiʂʂ ʈɧeɱ⌡

━━ hey you – someone said to me but I kept walking – hey I'm talking to you pregnant, you dumb?

━━ You're out of people to mess with, and you want to piss the girl off, stop being a bitch Emma — said another girl.

Emma ━━━ I didn't talk to you Kaz.

Rebecca ━━━ Hey Emma? — I said as I got up the courage to turn to the two behind me — don't play with people you don't know, it's a warning.

Emma ━━━ apparently you're not stupid.

Kaz ━━━ and apparently you've found someone who can answer you.

Rabecca ━━━ none of you know me, you don't even know where I came from and how I got here, so don't mess with me, I'm already frustrated enough to have to stress with other people, bitches like you, so let's stay each one in their own place and try to have peace, do you understand, Emma?

Emma ━━━ you're new here and think you can talk to me like that? don't forget you're pregnant, this place is mine.

Kaz ━━━ This filthy place doesn't belong to any of us, come on...

Rebecca ━━━ Rebecca, you can call me Rebecca.

━━ Hi girls, is everything okay here?

━━ yes Ms. Liberty — Kaz and Emma said at the same time.

Ms.Liberty ━━━ thank God. Have you met the new girl Rebecca?

Kaz ━━━ yes Ms. liberty

Liberty ━━━ Have you ever had the pleasure of talking to Rebecca, Emma?

Emma ━━━ yes Ms. liberty

Ms.Liberty ━━━ Very well. Now that you have to do a guided tour of the entire school for Rebecca, yes?

Kaz ━━━ Joyfully Ms. Liberty.

Emma ━━━ I have things to do Ms. Liberty, but Kaz will do it for me, won't you Kaz?

Kaz ━━━ yes, no problem — Kaz said and Emma walked away from us along with Ms. Liberty — hey, are you okay? — she pulled me by the arms as I was about to walk away from her — hey, Rebecca, what did she do to you?

Rebecca ━━━ she didn't and wasn't going to, but thanks anyway.

Kaz ━━━ you need help don't you?

Rebecca ━━━ I was looking for the bathroom.

Kaz ━━━ follow me, I'll show you — he said and we went, we walked down the hall, and as we walked she took the opportunity to show me other parts of the school, here it's beautiful and quiet, in the presence of the teachers, Kaz said everything is a mess when they are alone and that Emma is one of the ones who loves to mess with the newbies the most.

Kaz ━━━ you're safe here.

Rebecca ━━━ thanks — I went into one of the bathrooms and undressed to pee — hey, kaz?

Kaz ━━━ I'm still here.

Rebecca ━━━ is it true about cell phones?

Kaz ━━━ It's true, but I'll tell you.

Rebecca ━━━ what? — I pressed the toilet and left the bathroom, washed my hands and continued in the bathroom.

Kaz ━━━ near the training ground, there is a place that has a internet, few people know about it.

17 Years and Pregnant ❝ 𝔒𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔐𝔬𝔶 ❞Where stories live. Discover now