Food Heist

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It's a knife!

No, it's more like a broken shard of a piercing weapon, but still! Anything useful is taken away from Liam to prevent him from escaping (not that he can in the first place) so this small shard will be extremely useful!

It was roughly 4-5 inches big and double pointed making for a great makeshift weapon. With one of it's sides preferably and fortunately shaped for a grip.

It just needs a little fix and it's good to go!

My eyes brightened in excitement as I stood up.

I took one of the broomsticks and laid it on the wall, making sure it was slanted. With all my strength I stomped on it, snapping it into two.

I repeated the process until I got a satisfactory piece.

After that, I walked towards one of the corner and took a still decent leather from the rotting pile.

I didn't know what specifically they were used for, but if I had to guess it might be for sanding.

Now all I was missing was glue. Which there were obviously none.

Thankfully I had candles.

I then created a hole inside the wooden piece and poured candle wax inside. I grabbed the broken shard and jammed it in.

It already looks complete but there's still one final touch.

I cut the leather just enough to fit the wooden piece, slathering it with wax and attaching it onto the grip after.

"It's done!" I yelled triumphantly as I brandished my new knife.

"Hya!" I grunted whilst swinging my created weapon.

It's weak, but I won't use it for anything hard. It's just for slicing and cutting. Piercing something would definitely make it break.

I looked at the weapon again with glimmering eyes before noticing the steps outside.

"It should be night now..."

But to be sure I opened the door slightly and looked out of the gap.

The sun just set, but there are still people running around. It should be around 6:30.

"That...took less time than I thought it would." I said with a sigh.

I was sure at least 4 hours had past but I guess not.

I sat down on the ground and looked at my knife. I felt restless doing nothing, until the time remaining gave me another idea.

And with a shit-eating grin I rubbed my hands and got to work.


"Finished!" I yelled before covering my mouth.

It was now at the dead of night. No more light came below the door and it was eerily quiet.

I usually slept early so I was surprised by the silence.

I wore the item I made on my back—a bag made from the leather and clean rags.

It looked kind of tattered but it works.

I used the knife to make small insertions and used a splinter to sew the cloth together.

It took a while with my 0 sewing skills, but I eventually finished it.

I was only given 3 sets of clothes, and one of it had a black shirt which I wore for tonight.

I held my knife tightly as I opened the door. Weirdly enough, they just ordered me not to leave room. There were no padlocks nor a key (since it was just a storage room for cleaning), just a seemingly childish threat. Not that I'm complaining.

Scanning the outside, only a guard was seen and he was already turning to another corner.

After he was no longer in sight, I ran towards the opposite direction to the kitchen. I stopped with every corner and waited for a few seconds before continuing again.

The guards have a patrolling system. They would guard a hallway for 20 seconds before rotating to another.

This has a flaw though. Everytime they switch there's a time where the hallways are empty. Because of the lengthy points, the time gap was also 20 seconds.

I skulked into the dim space and eventually reached main corridor and stopped. Another guard stood at the middle.

I waited for him to move...but he didn't. He stood there almost menacingly. If I didn't know any better I would have thought he was a statue!

'Don't tell me he fell asleep!'

Just my luck to encounter an irresponsible guard!

Time is running out. Move bastard!

The space is dark and I could probably sneak by him, but I can't take the risk. Though it's dark, it isn't enough to mask my figure.

"Fuck." I cursed as I hid beneath a table. Exactly 20 seconds have passed.

And just in time too! 3 guards appeared just as I hid.

"Thank god." I sighed in relief.

There were three hallways all around me and the guards in their respective area reached the main corridor.

Just as I expected, the guard was asleep. He was scolded by his colleagues.

Damn. Now I have to wait for 20 more seconds.

One of the three guards replaced the sleeping man as the others continued walking.

Unlike the last, this one is more is more lively, almost intimidating even.

Why is he glaring at that vase? Did it do something wrong?!

Finally, he rubbed his eyes and moved.

I sighed and stood up.

"This could have been a lot easier than it is if it weren't for that guy." I cursed him again as I crouched behind the wall.

"Yup, if you just go with me then it'll indeed be easy." A voice suddenly uttured.

"Don't be ridiculous I still have something to steal." I answered.

"Oh is that so." The voice replied with an understanding nod.



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