{5.10} 𝙰𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚗 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎..𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 3

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"That's my girl, you're okay, honey.." Ellen Says

Jo looks no better. Ellen is next to her. Dean, Corinna, Elena and Sam are several feet away.

"Now we know where the devil's gonna be, we know when, and we have the Colt." Dean Says

"Yeah. We just have to get past eight or so hellhounds and get to the farm by midnight." Sam Says

"Yeah, and that's after we get Jo and Ellen the hell out of town." Dean Says

"It Won't be easy." Corinna Says

"Stretcher?" Dean Says

"Maybe" Corinna Says

"I'll see what we got." Sam Says As he turns to go looking

"Stop. Guys, stop." Jo Says

Ellen looks between the four hunters and Jo.

"Can we, uh, be realistic about this, please" Jo Says

Dean, Sam, Elena and Sam walks over to Jo.

"Uh! I can't move my legs. I can't be moved. My guts are being held in by an ace bandage. We gotta—we gotta get our priorities straight here." Jo Says

Dean and Sam look at each other and at Jo.

"Number one, I'm not going anywhere." Jo Says

"Joanna Beth, you stop talking like that." Ellen Says

"Mom. I can't fight. I can't walk. But I can do something. We got propane, wiring, rock salt, iron nails, everything we need." Jo Says

"Everything we need?" Elena Says

"To build a bomb, Elena." Jo Says

"No. Jo, no." Dean Says

"You got another plan? You got any other plan? Those are hellhounds out there, Dean. They've got all of our scents. Those bitches will never stop coming after you. We let the dogs in, you guys hit the roof, make a break for the building next over. I can wait here with my finger on the button, rip those mutts a new one. Or at least get you a few minutes' head start, anyway." Jo Says

"No, I...I won't let you." Ellen Says

"This is why we're here, right" Jo Says

Ellen shakes her head, crying.

"If I can get us a shot on the devil..Dean, we have to take it." Jo Says

"No!" Ellen Says

She looks up at Dean.

"That's not—" Ellen Says

"Mom. This might literally be your last chance to treat me like an adult. Might wanna take it" Jo Says

Jo is smiling. Ellen starts sobbing.

"You heard her. Get to work." Ellen Says

Sam, Elena, Corinna and Dean grab their materials and assemble the bombs, filling them with nails and rock salt for shrapnel. Night has fallen. Elena takes Jo's hand for a minute while Dean and Corinna strings the wire to the button Jo will hold.

"Elena" Jo Says

"Yeah" Elena Says

"I'm sorry that you had to find out that way" Jo Says

"It's okay" Elena

"Make sure you kill bitch okay" Jo Says

"Oh I'm depending on it" Elena Says

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