{5.17} 99 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1

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Dean is driving the Impala very frantically while Sam is in the passenger and Elena is in the back.

"Drive faster, Dean." Sam Says

"I can't! Are you okay?" Dean Asks

"Yeah, I'm amazing." Sam Says

"You guys ver seen that many?" Dean Asks

"No." Sam Says

"No way, not in one place." Elena says

"What the hell, Damn it!" Dean Says

Dean Stops the Impala as there is a truck on fire in front of them. Dean backs up the car but stops because three people break into the car and try's to drag himself, Sam and Elena out. But the people then gets sprayed with a water hose as they begin to sizzle, Rob says Enochian exorcism then the demons leaves their vessels.

"Well that's something you don't see every day." Dean Says

"You three alright?" Rob Asks

"Peachy." Dean Says

"Be careful. It's...dangerous around here." Rob Says

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait." Dean Says

"No need to thank us." Rob Says

"No, hold up a sec! Who are you?" Elena Asks

"We're the Sacrament Lutheran Militia." Rob Says

"I'm sorry—the what?" Dean Says

"I hate to tell you this, but those were demons and this is the Apocalypse. So...buckle up." Rob Says


Dean opens the trunk of his car to show rob and his allies his weapons to let them know that they are hunters as well.

"Looks like we're in the same line of business." Sam Says

"And among colleagues. That's a police-issued shotgun. That truck is, uh...inspired. Where'd you guys pick up all this crap?" Dean Says

"You know you pick things up along the way." Paul Says

"Guys, come on. This whole corner of the state is nuts with demon omens. We just want to help. That's all." Dean Says

"We're on the same team here. Just talk to us." Elena Says

"Follow us." Rob Says


The three hunters pull up in a neighborhood that looks like it's been through hell, They get out the car and make their way inside the church.

"Dylan, it's a church. Headphones off." Jane Says

"Yes, mom." Dylan Says

Inside The Church there is a wedding going on and Sam, Elena and Dean are confused.

"Who would have thought the Apocalypse could be so romantic? Marriage, family—it's a blessing. Especially in times like this. So hold on to that." Pastor Gideon Says

"Wedding..Seriously?" Sam Says

"Yeah. We've had eight so far this week." Paul Says


Outside The Church the couple leaves as everyone cheers and congratulates them.

"So Rob tells me you guys hunt demons." Pastor Gideon Says

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