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On a real nigga, Ima real nigga, I run around with them real niggas, Got real sons I need a real sitter, When I leave niggas they get real bitter, On real nigga, Ima real nigga.... I run around with them real niggas (Roll up on ya) (Roll up on ya) ~ Nicki Minaj


After me and Red did our thing I woke up, and was still tired as hell. I raised up out of bed and looked to my left and saw Red's ass sleep, snoring and slobbering on my damn pillows.... Eww! I slapped his chest but he didn't move but he was still breathing, I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom... I did my business and grabbed me my silver silk robe and wrapped it around me and went into the bathroom and started the shower...

After I washed my body and hair, I wrapped my towl around my body and walked out the bathroom and into my room. I went to my closet and got me out a outfit to wear, I got out my bad ass bitch outfit... Juss to be clear I name my clothes so that I know exactly what I'm gonna wear and where I'm gonna wear it.. Today I'm going to meet with Boss and the rest of the crew at the trap to discuss business... Or so that's what Boss says, Idk.

I finished getting dressed and was now pressing out my hair. I finished pressing my hair and was putting on some eyeliner, mascara, and some deep dark red lipstick. I added my gold studs, shades and red hat and took a pic before I left.... I was on fleek!! I walked out the bathroom and grabbed my bag when I heard Red say my name... Damn go back to sleep!

"Star.. Where you going? He asked still sounding sleepy". I rolled my yes at him and turned around looking at him smirking.

"Nun of your business Red. To handle mine, now go back to sleep I said clamly turning back around". He raised up our of bed and walked downstairs following me in some boxers... I ain't gon lie Red was finer than a muthafucker but he ain't my man, he juss a fuck buddy... Nun special.

"Come here Star he said grabbing my wrist pulling me to face him". I looked at him and sighed, then rolled my eyes if this boy dont let me go...

"What boy! I said with a attitude". He smirked at me and kissed my lips adding in his tongue, I let him make out with me for maybe about two minutes then I pulled away. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead, I blushed a lil and slapped his chest and got out his grip. He slapped my ass hard as fuck making me jump again, it kinda pissed me off but I juss kept walking smiling.

"I'll see you later gorgeous. My dick gon be ready he said as I walked out the door". I scoffed and turned back around to him pulling down my shades...

"Boy when I get back... Which is probably gonna be late, you and yo dick betta be out my fucking house I smirked walking out closing mg door... Now I know what I said was salty but damn, But he gon have to leave I love my privacy... Sorry Red.

At the Trap House....

When I got to the Trap house it was packed with cars... I saw my friend Kali's cars parked in the front, which was the section for us... I pulled up right next to her red mustang and got out. I walked into the building and saw Big G the security guard and smiled at him while pulling down my shades... I loved screwing with him everyday before I went inside.

"Heyy G I said in a flirty tone". He looked at me with moving and shook his head, he didn't really like it when I bothered him but he absolutely adores me... As so does everyone...

"What do you want Star? Big G asked me clearing his throat". I smiled and leaned up against the counter looking at him.... Here it goes..

"Oh nun, juss checking on the G man, so how's Clarie? I asked pushing my shades up". He looked at me and sighed, I asked him this almost everyday.... Then I'd yell at him for no reason... It cracked the shit up out of me..

"She's good Star, you ask me this almost everyday damn day. Leave me alone Big G said back". I smiled back at him and sighed then kissed his cheek and said ok. I walked into the hallway and saw all the drug rooms and people setting out different types all on tables and stuff. I laughed and kept on walking to the conference room....

In the Conference Room...

When I got to the conference room it was quiet at least until I walked in. I walked in and all my coworkers were sitting around Boss's big ass table which to me is so unnecessary, and sitting looking at me. I looked at all of them and rolled my eyes, as I walked around the table to get to Kali this girl Tati made a side comment to me... I wanted to fuck her up, but I kept moving.

I sat next to Kali and starred straight at Tati, the bitc was eyeballing me like she had a problem so I starred back.... I was getting tired of looking at her so I flipped her off and stuck my tongue out at her, she scoffed and looked away. I laughed to myself and then Boss came in.... He looked PISSED too.

"Hello everyone... Boss said sitting down quietly". Everyone said hello back and gt quiet again, I juss said back in my chair and sighed.... Another stupid ass conference for dumb ass people who can't do they muthafucking job right! Boss looked at all of us then put his hands together and sighed.... Oh shit...

"Ok... The reason why I gathered y'all all here is Becuz..... One of our own got caught last night in a drop he sighed". Everyone gasped or said What Becuz it was a shock, no one in our crew has ever gotten caught before.... That's some bad ass shit!

"What.. Someone got caught! Tony said".

"Whatchu mean Boss, who was it? X said after him". So many questions started flying all over the place and it was pissing me off. So many comment where running through my mind and it was driving me crazy, I tried my hardest to keep them to myself but couldn't anymore.... It juss slipped out, BIG ASS MISTAKE!

"So what someone got caught... Why we all trippen I said looking around". The whole room got silent and all eyes were on me, including Boss's. I looked at all of them and they looked back at me, it was kinda pissing me off again. Like I said before I don't like being looked at its my number fucking pet pev.... Don't fucking do it.

"What the fuck are y'all starting at.... Its the fucking truth! I yelled rolling my eyes". No one said anything except that bitch Tati, she made another side comment and I couldn't keep it in this time..

"This bitch I heard her whisper to another girl".

"What the fuck you say bitch!! You can talk a whole bunch of shit but can't say nun to my face... U fucking fake hoe!!! I yelled at her slamming my hands on the table". She juss looked at me and rolled her eyes, I swear I wanted to go over there and beat the fuck outa her, but then Boss grabbed my arm...

He pulled me outside into the hallway and looked at me, looking serious.

"Star calm down, I have to tell you something very very important and I need you calm he said to me".

"What is it boss?? I asked looking at him".

"I need you to take over the trap hustle for a few months.. He said looking into my eyes". When he said that my heart almost dropped out of my chest. I couldn't believe Boss was telling me that he needed me to take over the trap for him... It was juss unbelieveable.

"Wha... What I stuttered". He scoffed and said it again smiling. I smiled back and next thing I knew I was hugging him saying thank you so many times. I was happy but scared at the same time. I pulled back and he said he was gonna go tell the rest of the crew the news. I nodded and he went back in the room..

I was excited, scared, nervous, doubtful, unsure, confused and stunned.... This was a great responsibility and I was being trusted with it...... Im in for a lot of shit!

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