The Telling

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Kakashi walked slowly, even though Naruto's weight wasn't much. Maybe if he didn't tell anybody, it would undo itself. But it didn't. Kakashi knew this all too well, and yet his brain still wandered to those stupid thoughts.

The weight of Naruto made him sick. Not because he was tired. Not because Naruto was heavy. But because him laying on his back instead of walking next to him only confirmed reality more. It didn't help that Sakura walked just as slow, sniffling beside him.

They didn't bother to run through the trees. Like this, they could lengthen their time with Naruto before somebody took him from them. And they could keep it from the others for longer.

But this didn't last long. They were home in 5 days.

The gates of Konohagakure loomed ahead. And Kakashi sighed, time to make the worst report of his life. He didn't even know if he'd be able to keep it together this time. The whole trip, he'd been fighting back tears. It would only make it worse if Sakura were to see him crying.

They hadn't even accomplished the objective of the mission they were there for. Which was to take a few semi-powerful criminals into custody. They had escaped when Sasuke appeared. Criminals running from criminals. Who would've thought?

"They're back! Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura, and Uzumaki Naruto have returned!"

Kakashi lowered his head. The unknowing, cheerful voice of the shinobi informing his fellow shinobi of their return.

Tenzou, or Yamato, as others call him, appeared after a few seconds.

"What held you three up? Lady Tsunade had said you would return 15 days after your departure, not 20.

"Sorry." Replied Kakashi.

He saw Tenzou raise an eyebrow. He knew something was wrong. Kakashi normally wouldn't reply like that.

"And... What's wrong with Naruto? Was he really that exhausted?"

When nobody responded, it seemed he finally understood.

"I'll fetch the Godaime."

A few moments later, the Fifth Hokage, Lady Tsunade, bolted up the street towards them.

"What happened? Yamato only told me that something urgent occurred with you three."

Kakashi slowly eased Naruto off of his back, and onto the floor. His wounds were now bandaged, but not for healing purposes. Besides, the three long slashes were shown anyways by the blood that had seeped through. His tattered headband was tied to his belt loop. The sleeves of his shirt were torn, as were the hems of his pants. Naruto's eyes were closed, and his once bright face was blank. Most of all, he was cold to the touch.

As the observers began to realize, they gasped or lowered their heads. But it had not quite registered with Tsunade. She stood still. But when she had, the Fifth Hokage turned from three, or rather, two, of them.

"Send in a medical team." She said before leaving.

Kakashi crouched down and picked Naruto from the floor. As he cradled the fallen shinobi, the fight replayed over and over.










He hadn't noticed when the medical-nin came to retrieve the boy. It took Sakura yelling at him for Kakashi to let go.

Kakashi fled the scene to his apartment.

The room held a futon, a small kitchen, and a dresser. On the dresser were 2 frames. Each held a photo of Team 7. The old generation, and the new. Only 3 of the seven remained. Himself, Sakura, and Sasuke.

Originally, Kakashi had planned to hang a frame of Naruto once he became Hokage. But now, that plan would not be fulfilled.

He who mastered 1,000 jutsus. That was him. You would think one of Konoha's strongest would be able to deal with the death of a comrade, as he had so many times, but this was different. Naruto and the rest of the team had been his light. Naruto and Sasuke's arguments, him desperately trying to bring the latter back, Sakura and his friendship, his loyalty, his unpredictableness, his reckless deeds, his dream of becoming Hokage, it was now lost. And after Obito, Rin, and Minato-sensei, Kakashi wasn't sure if he was capable of going on any longer.

Water splashed down into the bowl as the faucet ran. Kakashi had decided he'd wash his hands once, or twice before he went off to sleep.

Hello! I hope you liked this chapter, I had fun writing it. Even though it's sad. Lol. Have a good day/morning/night!

Sorry, Naruto. -KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now