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In the past week, Kakashi had fallen behind. He swiftly and nonchalantly did his missions, and it had almost cost him his own life a few times. Maybe this was what he truly desired, anyways.

His peers, like Iruka, Guy, and Kurenai, had begun to pick up on his personality change. They tried to help, but to no avail. Kakashi was just as he was after Yondaime's death.

Sakura went through a similar change too. She was less productive in the hospital and during her missions. She rarely spoke, and when she did it was a small voice. Naruto had been her best friend. She had loved him more than she did Sasuke.

Now, as the funeral drew closer, the village had become much more solemn. A year ago, this would not have been the case, but since the fight with Pain, everybody had gained a new respect for him. He just wished that they would tell the true story and not twist it. It should be known that it was the person Naruto had always believed in who did it.

That's why he smiled.

His headband lay on the counter, next to Naruto's. Kakashi's left eye was closed, and he wore a black kimono and pants. His white hair hung partially in front of his face, adding a perfect contrast to the black. He would have called it nice, if it weren't for the occasion.

Kakashi walked to the site of Naruto's funeral, hands in pockets. Nobody spoke to him as he passed, they instead looked on him with pity. First his genin team, and now his current team.

Pity was not what Kakashi wanted. It was the last thing, in fact.

Pity meant that something so fucked up had happened that everybody felt bad for you. It was still worse than the looks of anger he received, too. For some reason, it seemed that people had made up a crazy theory that he had administered the final blow. This made him angry. A make-the-rumors-true kind of angry.

When he was younger, he had been called names like "Cold-Blooded Kakashi" and "Kakashi the Friend Killer." And while they were horrible, at least they had been true. Hopefully, they wouldn't call him "Friend Killer" again.

In front of him stood a table equipped with a black table cloth. A large photo of Naruto, smiling, was propped up on top of it. Flowers were placed beautifully around the portrait, and small offerings were laid on the table.

Many of the people there had their heads bowed in respect for the late hero. It was quite crowded, almost at the same capacity as Sandaime-Sama and Minato-sensei's funeral. But he guessed that was to be expected with him saving the village and all. The only thing keeping it from being more was the idiots who still resented him for being the Kyuubi's jinchuuriki, like it was his fault.

Besides, it didn't matter anymore. He was dead. So those who hated him, in the end, got their way. Including Sasuke.

The majority of the shinobi he knew were there, even those Naruto had never spoken to.

One of the people there was Hinata, and she didn't look good. Her eyes were red, and she wiped them every so often. Sakura wasn't any better, but she had been like that since it happened. Everybody else seemed to have been able to keep themselves from crying, with the exception of Shikamaru and Lee. They also weren't any better.

Iruka-sensei seemed to be just barely keeping himself together. He had a hand clamped over his heart, and his head was bowed to the point where you couldn't even see his expression.

At least now, Naruto could be with his family and other fallen friends. Maybe he was watching them now.

The following day Kakashi woke to a knock on the door. He got up from his bed and walked to the door. But when he opened it, nobody was there. Only a folded piece of paper remained. Kakashi picked the paper up and walked back inside.

When unfolded, it revealed itself to be a newspaper. The top headline was, of course, about Naruto's death.

Saviour of Konoha Returns Dead

Who did it and why?

Naruto Uzumaki returned to Konoha last week in the arms of his teammates. Medical ninja came to his aid but he was already long gone, having died 5 days prior according to Hatake Kakashi, one of Naruto's teammates who witnessed his death. But the main question citizens of the Leaf have is who did it, and why? Many rumors have been told but none confirmed, as the Hokage has decided to disclose his killer's identity for now. Citizens of Konoha will have to wait, it seems.

Kakashi tore the newspaper in two, his anger overwhelming. They had managed to get ahold of his report but failed to mention who the actual killer was. They also hinted at the rumor that it was himself.

That was the first time in years that Kakashi had been truly angry.

(This next part was missing for some reason, I apologize.)

Kakashi stood in front of the stone, staring at a freshly carved name. Uzumaki Naruto was written in small letters next to the thousands of names also written on that stone. Including Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin, and Namikaze Minato. He had come to pay respects to all of them, though Kakashi planned to also visit Naruto's, Rin's, and Minato-sensei's individual graves as well.

He found himself recalling an event many years ago, during the bell test. Naruto had once said he wanted to be on that stone.

At least one of Naruto's hopes came true, Kakashi thought.

A tall, black haired man stood above the stone faces, gazing down on the village below. Now, he was ready to exact his final vengeance.

Hello! New chapter. I've been really motivated writing this so I've been getting a chapter or two done each day. I hope I can keep it up, lol. Anyways, I'm working on the next chapter, can't wait to update again! Have a great day/night/morning!

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