The Evil That is the Uchiha

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Sasuke had been hiding for a month now. There had been no signs of where he went or what he was doing. Until now. 3 days ago, a team of 4 had failed to return from a mission. And when another team was sent to search for them, they had been found. None survived. Each shinobi had been killed with one blow, as far as they could tell. One, possessed an injury that could only be explained by a certain lightning style ninjutsu. Chidori.

Today, Kakashi was being summoned to confirm that it had indeed been inflicted by Chidori and thus identify Sasuke Uchiha as the murderer. But first, he had been told to go over the report.

As he read it, Kakashi couldn't help but grimace. Each ninja had been killed in a gruesome way. The causes of death were listed.

Death by pulverization of skeletal structure.

Death by burns of the fourth degree.

Death by separation from lower half.

Death by impalement (blade).

Death by impalement (ninjutsu).

He could already imagine how Sasuke had inflicted such serious injuries. The first was probably crushed by his susanoo, the second was torched by the fireball jutsu, the third Kakashi guessed was sliced in half, the fourth was obvious, and the fifth, Chidori.

It was interesting, too, because while their ranks weren't listed, Kakashi knew that each of these shinobi had not exactly been formidable. Sasuke could have killed them a lot easier, without even having to use much other than taijutsu. It was as if he was playing with them, like a kid with their food. Was he sending a message? Or rather, just having a bit of fun?

Either way, Sasuke had sent a message. He wasn't hiding anymore, and he wasn't scared.

When he got there, Kakashi was met by Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama. Hello."

"Hello, Kakashi. Have you read over the report?"

"I have. Sasuke is becoming bold."

She nodded in response, a sad look on her face.

He was flanked by 3 shinobi. Tsunade, Shizune, and another medical ninja who was on the case. They led him through a door and into a chilled room. There were a few tables, some were filled, and others not. The ones that were, had white cloths draped over humanoid figures. He sighed.

"A warning," said Tsunade out of the blue, "prepare yourself."

Kakashi nodded, and she took him to a table on the far left of the room. The rest followed.

What met him there was nothing short of depressing. A smaller body, and when uncovered was revealed to be a child. A child. Sasuke had killed a child.

Kakashi balled his fists. A genin of all ranks. That meant there were more, too. Genin only went on missions with their team. Two more, and a jonin.

Sasuke had taken the lives of children because they wandered a little too close. He was out of control.


He lifted his head, Kakashi hadn't realized he'd zoned out.

"Was this wound definitely caused by Chidori, or not?" asked Tsunade.

"Sorry," he glanced at the wound in this shinobi's chest, a direct charred hole. It was no doubt caused by Chidori.

He would know. Kakashi had used the same move many times. On foes, and friends.


"Yes. Undoubtedly Chidori."

"Thank you."

"Tsunade-sama," spoke the third medical ninja.


"I don't mean to be subjective, but, if Kakashi-san can also use Chidori, what's keeping him from investigation?"

Tsunade opened her mouth to protest, but Kakashi had already beaten her to it, "For the past month, I've been in the hospital where I was closely monitored. I only got out about a week ago, which would've left 4 days for me to get to where they were and back. Which, should be easy, but in reality, I am in no shape to do something like that right now. And also, if I were to attack them and return without my absence being noticed, it would shorten that timeframe to only a few hours. Which I'm definitely not capable of currently. So, tell me, what isn't keeping me from investigation?"

She lowered her head, "My apologies. I did not realize..."

He shrugged, "It's fine. Now, may I leave, Tsunade-sama? Shizune-sama?"

"Yes. Follow me. You, stay here."

She nodded.

Kakashi followed Tsunade and Shizune as they walked out the room.

Tsunade started, "Sorry. I didn't think she'd say something that foolish."

"It's fine. It would be a fair question if I hadn't been in the hospital for the past month."

"About Sasuke, he's getting out of control."

"We were thinking the same thing," Shizune interjected.

"Yes. For Sasuke to attack children... He hasn't been known to do this before. Something must've happened. He's going insane, seemingly." Tsunade elaborated.

"I agree. But I wonder what happened... Is he mad that he lost? Or is this about Itachi? It could even be something to do with Naruto."

She replied, "There's only one way to find out, it seems."


He walked through the forest, searching. Searching for something. Something, or somewhere, he can return to and use. So that he can become stronger. And finally, prove himself. To everyone. That he wasn't just a powerful foe and ally, that he wasn't just great, that he was destined to be great. As everyone else that came before him.

But first, he had to find this thing. Without it, he couldn't progress much more. He needed it. He longed for it. And yet it was still so far away. As was the other end of the clearing he stood in now.

The trees extended high into the air, it's branches and leaves concealing the area completely. It would be invisible from the air.

And yet, people had still beaten him here. A kunai was stuck into the trunk of a tree beside him, as were some in the ground, and other trees. Small boulders were scattered around, the remnants of a mud wall. Blood was splattered in the grass, it still had not turned brown. It was a fresh battle, and yet there was nobody there. Not even a bird. It was ominous. The clearing was empty of all things but the beings that had no muscles to move or a brain to think so.

He thought to leave, but a sense of curiosity pulled him forward. He had to investigate, find out why this place was so vacant. Maybe then he'd be led forward, where he could finally grow to his full potential.

The grass was soft and calm, the wind drove lightly through the trees. All natural was silent. But an underlying chaos raged, driving off the bird, the squirrel, the ant. It was the feelings of all that had happened here.

In the center of the clearing layed a headband. It's metal was so damaged that the village it came from could not be identified. This had been a true fight, long and hard lost. And as he stood in the ruins of this battle, only one thought came to mind,

What the hell happened here?

Sorry, Naruto. -KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now