Kakashi is Missing, Allegedly.

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He walked through the forests of Konohagakure, searching for a certain someone. Kakashi guessed he would be considered a rogue ninja now, but there was no going back. He made his choice. Maybe he would regret it, maybe not. But sometimes things became too much. Very few people went through what Kakashi had, and those who did rarely survived much past it. He just hoped that Konoha wouldn't mark him as an enemy. He was not willing to hurt anybody within the village. No matter who they were. He wouldn't let Sakura be left alone like he had.

Kakashi continued on through the woods, looking for even the smallest clue to Sasuke's location. He even used his Sharingan at times. But Kakashi still hadn't found anything. Sasuke was smart with covering his tracks, as apparent. It would soon become much harder for Sasuke, though, because winter was approaching, and it would start snowing soon. That would mean Sasuke would have to go to much more extensive means in order to hide himself.

"More than Chakra Cloaking, at least." He said, his eyes turned to a tree. And behind that tree, their back to the trunk, stood a powerful being. A god, of some sort.

Kakashi was sure. Sasuke had been found. And he was dwelling not far from Konohagakure itself, only about 20 miles. Maybe he was not as clever as Kakashi thought.

But when that god turned to face Kakashi, a surprised look was plastered on their face, and they weren't Sasuke.

Nobody had seen Kakashi in 2 days. He was absent from the streets, and not a person had spoken to him. Today, Tsunade was breaking into his apartment whether he liked it or not. And if he was there, it wouldn't hurt for her to check on him anyways.

She kicked the door open, Sakura wincing behind her.

"Why'd you have to break it?"

"Because I doubt Kakashi would let me in anyways."

Tsunade looked through the kitchen and small living room, where there was no sign of Kakashi. She moved on to his bedroom, which also happened to be empty. The bed was unmade, a picture frame was face down and opened, and there was a small, folded piece of paper on the dresser.

Unfolded, it revealed to be a sheet with a quick note scribbled out in messy but attractive handwriting.

Setting things right. As I should've long ago. Don't worry, I can manage on my own.

-Hatake Kakashi, Copy Nin.

Tsunade slammed her fist on the dresser, "Damnit!"

Sakura read the letter, and gasped, "Kakashi-sensei..."

"He's gone reckless. It's unlike him. Was Naruto's death really that hard on him?"

"Kakashi-sensei likely went through a lot more than just that. Maybe it was just a breaking point, a last straw. Naruto's death, Sasuke leaving, and anything else that happened in his life. I do know Kakashi-sensei didn't have it easy, not compared to me, at least."

"You may be right, but still. Kakashi, despite his past, has never took matters into his own hands and defied orders."

"Remember, Sasuke killed 3 children. Maybe that reminded him how far gone Sasuke is. He must blame himself."

"Of course he blames himself. He was Sasuke's teacher. He blames himself everyday for Sasuke's fall, and Naruto's."

Sakura nodded.

"Now, let's ask the Barrier Team how Kakashi managed to get past."

Tsunade walked into the Barrier Team's chamber, Sakura by her side. The roof was raised high to accommodate for the two floors this division had. In the center of the room was a large translucent sphere with 3 shinobi dressed in white around it. On the second floor, which was similar to a balcony around the center, were 5 other ninja. These people were the interception division.

She walked past those around the sphere and up to the second floor, where Tsunade met the interception division huddled around a table playing cards.

"You're cheating!"

"I am not."

"Then how did you know exactly what my cards were?"


"Nah, he's probably just using his Byakugan again."


"Somebody's getting defensive.."

"Shut up."

They laughed while Tsunade hovered behind them, waiting for the ninja to notice her.

The Hyuga spoke first, "Oh! Tsunade-Sama, what do you need?"

"Were any of you alerted of a shinobi leaving by themselves last night?"

"Yeah." Said Kotetsu.

"And you let them go?"

"Yeah. We went to go check, we only just saw them before they left. But it was just Kakashi, so we let him go. We figured he was just going to do something."

Sakura spoke up, "Well, now Kakashi-sensei's missing. And we don't know why he left."

Tsunade sighed, "Yes. Don't ever let another shinobi leave without explaining first or them having direct permission from me. You understand?"

"Yes... We apologize." Izumo replied.

"That's good. And stay on alert, I need the ninja that are supposed to be monitoring people leaving and entering Konoha ready at all times."

"Yes Ma'am!"

Sakura nodded, and the two of them left.

"That didn't help much," Sakura remarked, "We still don't know where he went and why."

"Well, I think I know why."

"You do, sensei?"

"Think about it. One of his student's dead, another AWOL, all the other sad things that happened in his life; don't you think it would be too much? Have you ever even realized how much time he spends at the memorial stone?"

"Now that you say that, it makes sense... Poor sensei. But what did he mean by, 'Setting things right. As I should've long ago.'?"

"You really don't get it? Your sensei's changed. Kakashi's out for revenge."


"Yes. "'Setting things right.'? What do you think that means?"

"Yes, that does make sense. But Kakashi-sensei always thought poorly of revenge. This is unlike him, really."

"I was thinking that too, but grief changes people. Especially when what you've lost is the only thing you hadn't."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing. You don't know much of Kakashi's backstory so obviously you wouldn't know. But one thing's for certain, Kakashi has made the wrong choice, and it's our responsibility to bring him back."

Hello. Hoped you liked chapter 9! Do you all prefer long or short chapters? Because I feel like my chapters have been getting shorter and shorter, even though I try and keep them 1000+ words. But anyways, feel free to give criticism, and have a great day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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