Sasuke Returns

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Kakashi found himself wandering the streets of Konoha. For today, Tsunade-Sama had spared him from missions. She said that he needed a break, though Kakashi begged to differ. He hadn't really minded the missions he was assigned in the past few weeks. They were quiet. Even though it meant leaving Kakashi alone with his thoughts. Good and bad.

But today, he had no missions of the sort, so he wandered around with no real direction. He just walked to walk. Unfortunately, today, he was unable to avoid the gazes of pity and anger he received regularly since his student's death.

"Oi! Kakashi!" Yelled a voice.

"What challenge are we doing today?"

These were the same words Gai had yelled to him many times before. Kakashi opted to ignore him.

The rather, extravagant man responded to this by circling him and giving suggestions, "Rock Paper Scissors? Kunai throwing? Oo! A taijutsu battle!"

His students watched Gai with sort of a grim and sad look.

The voice of Kurenai shouted at him from near Neji, Lee, and TenTen, calling him back, "Gai!"

When he ran back over, Kakashi picked up on Kurenai scolding him, "Now's not the time, Gai. You know Kakashi's not doing great. Naruto was his student, after all."

Kakashi sighed after hearing this, more pity.

That night, he laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He hadn't been able to sleep, like every other day that week.

His night had been uneventful. At least, until an explosion sounded, followed by screams a few seconds later.

Kakashi shot up from the floor and glanced out the window. Smoke billowed up halfway across the village. He turned from the window and quickly slipped on his vest and headband, making sure to cover his left eye.

He leaped out the window and ran along the rooftops of buildings towards the smoke. As he got closer, he saw more people running, and more people screaming, and more shinobi.

Sakura was running parallel to him, so he leaped over to meet her.

Kakashi yelled to be heard over the screams, "Sakura! Do you know what's happening?"

"No! I just saw the smoke and ran over!"

"Okay. Let's stick together. We don't know what might be ahead. It could be anything."

Sakura nodded and turned back to the objective ahead.

When they arrived, many of the shinobi they knew were already there, including Tsunade-Sama, Yamato, Gai, Kurenai, Genma, and Raido. Their students were also there, as well as Asuma's.

The one thing they saw immediately, though, was the figure of a certain rogue ninja. Sasuke.

Sasuke stood in the center of a medium-sized crater that was littered with the remnants of the houses he destroyed.

He hadn't attacked yet, but everybody kept still as if they were afraid to approach him. Kakashi leaped down beside Tsunade, who was directly in front of Sasuke. Sakura followed shortly after.

"Sasuke! What in the world do you think you're doing?" Yelled Kakashi. Though he didn't know why he did, it was pretty obvious.

"To take my revenge."

This, Kakashi hadn't expected, "Revenge? But you already got your revenge. Itachi is dead."

"Not on Itachi, on Konoha. My brother died for Konoha, and because of it. It was Konoha's mistakes, and mine, that led to his death. Itachi was ordered to massacre the Uchiha Clan by this very village's elders."

At this, many of the shinobi gasped. This was news to most. Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"This village led me on to believe that Itachi was responsible, and so I spent my life chasing him down. And when was finally dead, I learned that it had never been his fault. But instead, Konoha's. I will say, I am ashamed for not realizing what really happened until I was told by Madara, but that does not erase Konoha's actions. So now, this village will pay. And what better time to do it than now? Your hero is dead. So who will protect you now? Not the puny idiot you called Naruto."

Sakura yelled at him from beside Kakashi, "You don't deserve to use that name!" And she lunged forward, but Kakashi put out a hand to stop her, she would only be killed that way.

"Is that why you killed him, Sasuke?" asked Tsunade, "To make your job easier? Or did you truly fear Naruto and his power?"

Kakashi could already see the next newspaper headline: Naruto's Killer Revealed to be Uchiha Sasuke.

"Either way, it doesn't matter. This village will fall, once and for all. I won't fail as Pain, and countless others have."

And with those words, a purple figure emerged, and Sasuke rose with it. A susanoo.

Kakashi had seen this power once before when he and Team 7 fought Sasuke after he unlocked his Mangekyou Sharingan. But now, Sasuke's eyes were different. No doubt, he would be even more powerful than before. Kakashi just prayed that they would be able to hold their own against him, Uchiha Sasuke.

And when the susanoo took its first step, Konoha's fate was already long decided.

Hello lovely people! Chapter four finished. Chapter five... almost finished. Anyways, hope you have a great day/night morning, and as always I am open to suggestions for any future filler or major chapters! Bye!

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