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Aiden's pov.

I walked downstairs to go make a quick snack for me and Josie for later incase she wanted to eat we never expected any guest yet I was alarmed when a man walked through the door.

"Hello Boys"

The voice I had been dreading to hear for the past few months. He was only ever here for at least a week or two until then he just up and left like he was never here.

Mason Hunter .... Our father

"Aren't you gonna greet your father I thought I taught you better" he huffed as he walked into the kitchen taking out a bottle of water as he drank it .

His dull grey eyes bored into mine placing the bottle on the table.

"H-hello Father " saying I was too stunned to speak was an understatement.

As much as he was Our father after our mothers death he turned more into our boss he was never around and he never cared much he just made us do most things for him until he felt he didn't need us anymore.

Even though we were in the Mafia and everyone feared me and my brother's thinking that we had no fears if only they knew we all shared a common fear among us and that was Our Very own Father.

"Where's the rest of your brother's" He sat down on the island as he gestured me to sit down with him.

"I don't keep track of where they are"

"Then surely you know where is my prodalogical disappointment of a is daughter hm"the sly grin on his face made me want to punch him in that moment.

"Don't talk about her that way" my voice was low and shaky.

"Still a wimp who can't stand up for himself i see" he laughed as he stood up to leave going upstairs.

I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding placing my head in my arms on as sleep crept up on me realising I hadn't slept most of the night.

Soon finding myself as I fell asleep ontop the table.

Josie's Pov

I jolted up as the tears flowed down my face trembling in fear from the dream that I just had. I expected to find Aiden in the room with me as usual and when I couldn't find him it scared me even more making me struggle to breathe.

Was he tired of me already ?

Was the dream right about everything ?

Was I wrong to put my faith in my brother even though he showed me kindness?

Yet I still felt a strong pair of arms wrapped around me as they made me feel safe. I knew it wasn't Aiden but I felt protected and safe. I wanted to look up and see who it was but I took my time to enjoy this moment as I felt them rub circle's around my back and humming a song.

My breathing got back to normal feeling both exhausted from the lack of sleep and the endless tears as my eyes fluttered open to see the last person I was expecting.


Fear shot through me as I realised how close we were I was scared that I was breaking a rule more than anything.

After what happened today I didn't need anymore punishments from them I learnt my lesson enough.

I struggled against his body ending up in me Rolling onto the floor curling myself into a ball as I apologized.

"Please don't punish me again Sir I'm sorry " my heart raced as spoke I wasn't even sure that I was still sayingt the right words.

He slowly sat down next to me as he pulled me closer to him as if he was scared to hold me.

"What punishment are you talking about Jo"he's cold eyes look at me so tenderly.

I thought this was planned and they all set the punishment together.

"N-nothing" i couldn't tell him.

I couldn't trust him enough with this secret I couldn't trust anyone after today.

"Josie what fucking punishment" his voice changed becoming the one I had gotten use too by now.

"I got beat up by a group of guys that August sent"

He looked so and true or maybe that's what I wanted to believe everything in the mood changed when he started laughing hysterically. It sent shivers down my spine as the look in his eye seemed them menacing by this time we had already stood up facing each other.

"I could never care bout you your nothing but the bitch who destroyed my family God I wish you were never born. You deserve every single bad thing that's happened and more." As he stepped closer me with each word.

His words felt like daggers to my heart even though I knew he didn't care about me this still killed me.

" You don't know anything about me and what I've been through your just a spoilt Daddies brat-.." before I could even finish my words I felt a sharp sting on my cheek as he slapped me

"Shut the fuck you YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT" he yelled with each sentence he spoke he just slapped me harder.

I should have backed down

But the exhaustion of being treated like this got to me for a second.

I now see how similar we looked though he was taller than he was basically my male carbon copy which made me laugh.

"That's why you hate me don't you ...Its because you hate yourself. You look exactly like her and now your taking it out on me huh " I laugh he stopped as he looked at me I could see the tears form in his eyes and the anger rise.

"Don't talk about her like you know her" he spat out.

"I may not know her but I know you and you know what your fucking pathetic" with that I walked to my door opening it with a smirk.

He seemed to stunned to speak as he walked out without saying a word.

I closed the door as I sunk into the floor with a weak smile. I knew he'd hate me even more but now I was determined to leave this house no matter what. But first I'd have my revenge on the them.

I was going to make every single one of them pay for all the pain that they'd cause me so that they could feel everything I've felt since the day I was born.


Avrò La Mia Vendetta

🦋💜Thank you for reading💜🦋
Hope you enjoyed it.

🍪Here's a cookie🔥

- L

Avrò La Mia Vendetta - ( I will have my revenge)

I don't really know Italian but this is a Google translate I found sorry if it's wrong or anything 💜🦋

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