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The slow pull or the cigar from my lips finishing up the rest of it before throwing it to the ground crushing it under my shoe. Making me way back into the house after my morning smoke,the scent of fluffy pancakes engulfed me completely. My mouth couldn't help but water I was more than ready to dig into the morning feast

Walking into the kitchen only to find my brothers devouring the amount of glorious food infront of them with grins plastered onto their faces.

"Woah since when can you guys make food let alone anything that's edible"with a slight chuckle I made my way to the island taking a seat

A plate waiting for me already filled with delicious goodness the moment the first bite filled my mouth I felt like I was walking on a cloud of flavours. That's when I knew none of them couldn't have made something like this even if they took up cooking classes with a head chef.

"No the brat made it "Elliott scoffed in distain bringing the smirk he once had into a look of annoyance.

"Who knew she could make something this good but why's there a broken plate on the floor is anyone hurt or need the medical kit"I questioned with a slight urgency.

"Oh you should have seen it, it was fucking hilarious we spat the food out infront of her and August threw the plate down after she left for dramatic effect. She was shit scared the fear in her eyes was more than funny. Thinking she can get comfortable in this house is a huge mistake that she needs to learn quite early"

"What?...why would you guys do that your literally feasting like fucking animals on the food that she made right now. And for gratitude all you could do was scare the shit out of her? "

"Are you defending her?"Vincent raised his eyebrow giving me a questioning look and I backed down immediately.

Was I defending possibly I was it felt natural too be protective to keep her safe,the same way I've been doing for them is how I want do for her if not more. But equally she took mom away from us I'm supposed to hate her. She broke out family and out happy home. So I could only lie my way through it knowing they wouldn't give her a chance and I felt like niether could I.

"N-no of course not she's just a ...bitch that killed our mother why on earth would I ever defend her?"

As the words slipped out of my mouth it felt like acid in my mouth I instantly regretted it because I know I didn't mean it. I prayed she wasn't around to hear it. Did I really hate her though?

"Good because she deserves all the pain that's coming her way"August said with a look filled with hatred.



For the first time in a while I finally allowed myself to break down,I broke their rules and they proved this wasn't a prank or anything for scary giggles they purely hated me. The hot tears poured down my face the contents of the food I made still on my face and clothing

I just need to keep planning my escape and then I can finally leave without looking back plus they'd be happier if I wasn't here anyway. Though they haven't laid a hand on me I have no doubt in the world that they eventually will,I'll never be safe. Slowly standing up with a sigh I made my way to the bathroom locking the door behind me m which was a force of habit at this point.

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