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Josie Pov

I've been in Jasper's house for the past 6 hours and I've got to say I'm pretty bored by now though I took a 5 hour nap. I don't know what's Jasper's Obsession with me cause trust me I don't grant magic wishes or look like a Disney princess.

I heard footsteps near the door and I ducked back into the covers and pretended to sleep and I heard someone walk in.

"Get the fuck up and sign the papers"I didn't do anything except stay under the covers.

He pulled the covers off my body and choked me til he lifted me of the bed and I was standing up right making me gasp for air.

"I'm not gonna tell you twice."I couldn't breathe, my vision getting blurry and my body feeling weak that's when he finally let go of me"

He put the pen and papers on the table side I coughed as I tried to get the oxygen into my lungs tears pooling in my eyes but I didn't cry. Turned to the papers and saw Marriage Agreement on asthe title.

Scanning through the papers I saw how if I married him.


Damn he couldn't bother at least making my name bold or fancier as for king Jasper how lame is he.

As soon as the marriage agreement is signed miss Josephine Hunter will therefore become the Property of Jasper.

1. From the day of the wedding the commencement of giving the King an Heir will being in immediate effect.
2. All of the Kings food will be served to the King at his preferred times.

First Breakfast fast at 4am
Second breakfast at 9am

Lunch at 12

Snacks at 2pm

Dinner at 5pm

Second Dinner at 9pm

Dessert at 11 pm

Sex at 12pm

3. You must never say no to any of the Kings demands.

4. You can't eat before the King has eaten you will eat after his meals.

5. For everyone mistake you make they will be tallied up and the punishment at 1 am will be served.

6. King Jasper's needs will always come before your own.

7. King Jasper requires a back rub at 5pm every evening.

8. No talking back to King Jasper.

9. No disrepecting of The King will be tolerated.

10. You're not allowed sit on chair when with King Jasper or Eat in his presence.

These rules all need to be complied to and more rules will be added through out depending on behaviour.

These rules are fucking ridiculously. What the hell is this a marriage or a slave ownership.

"So you're expecting me to follow these stupid things" he looked like an angry bull when I said that low-key he has strong anger issues.

I felt a stinging slap on my cheek and I could feel my patience running thin but I had to be smart about this.

"You will obey me whether you like it or not" I looked down and meekly nodded my head.

"Why are you doing today this to me I don't even know who you are yet you Expect me to marry you?" I choked on a fake sob my hands covering my face.

"I know you're scared sweetheart but we've been dating for months now that it actually feels like years you're my soulmate and the love of my life I can't breathe if you aren't close to me that's why I'm doing this so we can be together isn't that what you want?" And here I thought I was delulu clearly he take the cup and the medal.

"But how do I know you're telling the truth, how do I trust you when I barely remember you?"

"Because my love for you is so strong it's enough for the both of us. You don't need to remember the past you just need to focus on the future and baby I'm you're future. Plus it's not my fault you can't remember, actually I'm hurt that you choose not to remember my handsome face. If I got hurt I Wouldn't push you away just because I don't remember you I'd work my very hardest to make sure I remember the loving person that you are." Utter shock is all I could feel even though I didn't let it show.

How is it my fault ...that I so called lost my memory?

"I ..I guess that you're right, I'm sorry"he pulled me into a hug and all I wanted to do was escape it felt like hugging a hedgehog except unlike him they are much cuter.

"See as long as you do as you're told and love me as much as I love you then I won't have to hurt you baby. I don't want to hurt you so please don't make me do it,you're too pretty to be crying.

"Okay" I nodded my head with clear understanding that he needs to be locked up in a mental institution.

"Okay what" his grip around my body got a bit tighter.

"What's you're name again, I'm sorry I forgot. It's just that I'm overwhelmed and all this is all so much" he looked at me and smiled.

"My fair maiden my name is Jasper but you will address me as King like all my other subjects until you earn the right to call me by my name then I'll give you the permission to use it but for now it's My King and you're gonna be my soon to be Queen" I wanted to absolutely gag when he said that.

Men are so Ew

"I think I understand it now My King..I'll try not to disappoint you"oh my mother fucking turtle that was cringe.

"See now that's a good girl I knew you'd finally come around" he kissed my cheek and I looked down with a slight 'giggle' which was actually me fighting the urge not to actually throw up.

"You're mine forever I won't let anyone have you they don't deserve you like I do baby"he stroked my hair and kept hugging me.

That's when I felt something prick my neck, being drugged again really!!. Before I could process anything everything just went dark.

Thank you for reading 🧸😭♥️and thank you so much for the love and Support ❤️💕 I couldn't be more greatful.

OH Brother reached 200K reads😭😭😭thank you so so so much!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️You guys mean the world to me 😭😭❤️I'm aware of the slowest updates in the world 💀😭I'll do better probably once I have free time from school.


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