Chapter 23

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Julls POV

Antonio decided to finally announce my disappearance. I thought he was just going to pretend like I never existed seriously, it took him 3 days.

Micah woke up to a call from dad followed by Leo both of them very angry and worried. I really don't care about them at this point call me selfish.

Micah being himself was doing a very bad job pretending to be shocked by the news so we decided that he should not go to Antonio's at all. He is a very bad liar and mother has a very good tell on him.

While they run around like headless chickens, we stocked snacks for our quarantine and chilled in the house.

Thinking about having to go back to Antonio's house had me feeling really down, I mean I can't hide forever. So I isolated myself in the guest room and told Sammy and Micah I wasn't feeling well.

Sammy came by to check on me for the 100th time, I think she misses me. while she was still here we head Micah cursing downstairs we ran to find out. So he was on a call with Antonio and since you know Micah is still very angry that he physically abused me and he is a very bad liar, I panicked.

Lucky for us (me and Micah), Sammy is a brilliant actor.

"babe you burning the fooood, my goodness you said no work today" an excellent distraction.

"shit" Micah says catching on

"you promised" Sammy whines, she should be on TV really. The girl has got skills.

"Antonio I have to go, call me when you find my sister" Micah is very quick to hang up the call and busts into loughter.

"Sammy you are professional liar" I compliment these rare skills and she loughs

"baby I don't feel safe with you anymore" Micah says

"ooh shoosh you, who said you should feel safe huh?" she jokes

"how did you even come up with the burning food lie so fast?" I ask still not believing how quick she was

"the same way you came up with Micah having period pains" she retorts and we all bust into loughter

Micah having period pains was my quick lie to tell dad in the morning but obviously we didn't say that thanks to Sammy.

"talking about food I'm kind of hungry now" Micah says

"let's make proper food" Sammy suggests

"okay, I'll leave you 2 to it" I say and try walking away but Sammy grabs me quick. Her response time is on alert.

"ooh no, we will cook, eat and then you can go" she says leaving no room for argument.

I should have known she was up to something when she said 'proper food', she intends to keep me occupied with cooking the whole day.

"Jar your girlfriend is bullying me" I complain

"well we are both worried about you, you've been really down today" he admits. That is the truth I can't deny.

"so cooking will be good for you" Sammy supplies. I really don't wanna cook.

While I think of a way to let her down gently, the house line rings and Micah picks up.

"hello" he answers

"the police are handling the matter and following all leads, call there. Bye" he hangs up

"what's up?" I ask

"this person is calling me to tell me that he saw you and, wants a reward?" he says confused

"reward?" I'm bewildered. He quickly goes an opens the news on TV. We find out that I'm everywhere and my family is offering a reward to whoever finds me. The phone rings again and Micah picks up again

"hello" he answers

"seriously where are you people getting my number?, No comment" he hangs up "nxx.." he says. Sammy and I look at him.

"this person wants to know if I knew you were having problems in your marriage, can you believe these guys?" he says getting annoyed.

"Micah calm down you know how journalists are" Sammy says trying to calm him down. Now I really need to stop this madness. The phone rings again Micah cancels the call and blocks all incoming calls.

"I am going to take a nap" I say and they give up and let me go.

The police must be having a busy day looking for me. I don't understand why Antonio had to involve them knowing very well I am not missing, I just needed to be away from him.

It's fine though tomorrow I will come out and I'll go back to my house, I don't care what anyone says I'm not staying with Antonio and that's final.

I doubt dad would let mother bully me again. He is having a hard time already with me upset with him and I also really miss my dad. I get teary at the thought.

He's always been 1 person that I could rely on but he let me down so bad it hurts.

I fell asleep with a grieving heart and actually slept the whole day. Sammy and Micah didn't bother me again.

Sammy woke me up in the morning dressed in a waitress uniform. So she works at 1 of our restaurants I'm not surprised at all by this.

"Julls I'm leaving. I have to go back to work and I'll be going to my place after, so I wanna say goodbye and wish you well" she says but I'm still very sleepy so I just mumble "hmm" In acknowledgement.

"Julls you're sleeping" she complains

"I heard you Sammy. I will call you when the dust settles, okay?" I assure her and she's happy I can tell she's grinning.

"I would like that" she says blushing, she's so gullible but I like her.

"goodbye now, let me sleep" I say and hide under the blanket and she loughs

"okay, bye" she says and leaves. I go back to sleep and wake up at a decent hour that's 9:00 am.

I wake up feeling the need for coffee so I wear my robe and head downstairs.

I walk down to find a very stressed out Leo and a very guilty Micah. Leo was just complaining about not being able to reach Micah on the phone and he stops immediately when he sees me.


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