Chapter 30

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Julls POV

"dad this says I'm the producer of the series" I say reading my surprise document, am I reading correct?

"that's right" he says grinning at me, is he serious?.

"the series already has a producer dad" I inform him

"had a producer yes, the one who threatened to pull out his money if you weren't fired" he says, I'm confused

"I'm confused, how am I producing the series when I am fired?" I ask for clarity

"I told you I was going to fix it, you can act whatever role you want now" he says happy

"dad but that's not my money, it's your money. This is too much I can't accept it" I refuse, surely he knew I wouldn't accept this, not when it's my career.

"it's your money actually from our family trust" he says not smiling anymore

"that just makes it worse, dad you know me better. seriously no, it's already bad enough that people think I got everything I have on a silver platter this will make it true to me and I can't have that" my thoughts spill out. My heard suddenly got too loud, the only thing I've ever truly wanted was my own independence without my family's help.

"you are married to Antonio now and that was for the family business, you're not in the sidelines anymore" he says

"no." I answer with conviction.

"my gem you not viewing this right" he tries to argue

"I just wanted to act dad. Was that too much to ask?" I'm emotional now, I mean I had everything in order before my own mother messed things up for me.

"I know my gem" he shares my sadness

"I hate her" I say very calmly

"hate is a strong word my gem" he says

"I despise her" I confirm

He loughs "that's not a better word sweetheart" he says, he is just being oblivious I have said this a countless times.

"dad we both need some rest let's rest" I change the subject laying down.

"okay let's take a nap" he says laying down next to me. And so we sleep together. I missed this.

We had a good nap because I woke up 3 hours later, the minute I tried moving out of my dad's cuddling arms he woke up as well.

"that was a good nap" he says and my stomach grumbles in agreement, "we even missed lunch your tummy is having a protest" he adds loughing and I lough with him.

"I actually missed breakfast as well" I tell him

"ohh no, are you trying to starve yourself to death?. Let's have Maggie prepare us something, come on" he says getting up from the bed.

We make it downstairs and before we ask for food a girl approaches us "good evening Sir and miss, please make your way to the dining hall we have prepared your dinner" she says, she is new.

"thanks Devinna, but we'll have our food outside. where is Veronica?" dad asks Devinna the girl

"she went out Sir" she answers, mother is out how wonderful.

We make our way to the outside dining area and they move everything from the dining hall and set it outside for us, Maggie and Devinna soon bring the dishes for us in a short space of time. Maggie just smiles widely at me but says nothing because I'm with my dad, she finds him intimidating.

"you guys are really fast nowadays, how did you know what to prepare for us?" I ask them impressed

"Madam told me what to prepare and said not to disturb your nap" Maggie says placing down our food. At home you order food as though you're at a restaurant and you wait for it to be prepared before you eat, so just now we were prepared to ask for anything quick because I'm hungry but thanks to mother we're having lamb loin, dad's favorite.

"thank you Maggie" I thank her

"you're most welcome Julls" she says and leaves, leaving me and dad to enjoy our meal.

Once we were done we continue daddy daughter bonding over wine. Our nice time is short lived as the she devil returns, she comes and joins us. Why?

"Julie, why are allowing your father to drink wine while he's still taking medication" she barks and takes my dad's glass

"I am not a child Veronica" my dad says bored. She just gives my dad a reprimanding eye and comes back to me

"we still have not discussed your disappearing act" she says

"Veronica" dad warns her but obviously she doesn't listen like always.

"what??, she needs to know it is unacceptable and find better ways to seek attention. She almost drove you to an early grave for God's sake" she says. I think this is my cue to leave so I stand up to leave.

"where are you going because I'm talking to you?" she demands

"well I don't wanna talk to you" I tell her

"you always have to behave like child. I just had the same talk with Micah and he handled this like an adult but not you" yabayabayaba she never keeps quiet. I know Micah very well he just agrees to whatever is being said and turns and do whatever he pleases.

"good for him, dad I will see you again" I say giving dad a kiss on the cheek and moving away

"tomorrow at Antonio's birthday celebration and don't forget you have a series to produce now" my dad says

"I won't produce that series dad, bye" I say and run away before he has a chance to argue but I can still hear him calling for me.

I get to my car and drive off but on the way I remember that it's Antonio's birthday celebration and I don't even have an outfit or gift what kind of wife would this make me in the public?, they are introducing me to their friends that means more attention to me. I hate it.

So I go shopping, I already have a shop in mind where I shop for dad and my brothers gifts, I buy Maggie and Claire's gifts where I shop for me and I have never bought my mother any sort of gift. I have a very vivid memory of what she did with the gifts I used to make for her as a toddler.

I normally have Claire buy gifts for other people that are not family to me including my previous boyfriends but I guess Antonio is very lucky that I even have a gift in mind already.

I buy him a briefcase with matching shoes, belt and watch inside just his style.

My problem was finding a dress, I didn't like all the dresses I came across until I opted to call my dad. Wearing our family designs will make the old man very happy and his heart needs this right now.

By the time I got to my house the dresses arrived at the same time. Dad went overboard as I anticipated he had a dozen dresses for me to choose from. I also heard from a reliable source that dad often has our designers keep certain dresses from being sold especially for me, so it comes as no surprise to me that all these dresses are stunning and all are my size. God I love that man.

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