Chapter 41

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Julls POV

Since Anthon and I were not seated on the same table with our parents, both set of parents were seated in the same table. To add to that we had came very late and were busy through the night coordinating the event, I missed the whole occasion when Micah introduced Sammy.

We were initially suppose to seat in the same table with Leo and Micah but mother moved us to a table closer to the stage, I knew not a single person in that table besides Antonio. To be honest I dreaded attending these kinds of events before and often missed them, but I guess that is out of the question now since I'm married to Antonio. I'm even Coordinating Such an event how did that happen?

After the meal, everyone started to chatter and some people started to dance. I took Antonio with me since he was intent on parading me the whole night and went to Micah and Sammy.

"how are you guys?" I asked feeling disappointed that I wasn't there to support them. Micah had a stoic face I'm not sure if it's because of Antonio or what, he didn't even respond so Sammy did

"well I met your mother.." she said and had a sip of her cocktail. Antonio decided to have his own separate greeting.

"hello" he said awkwardly I didn't understand whether he was greeting both Micah and Sammy or just Sammy or no one in particular. I think Micah understood because he said "hmm" in response. I guess he was greeting him then. Will they ever get along I wonder.

Sammy tried to lighten the awkwardness by introducing herself to Antonio

"Hai, I'm Sammy" she said being all formal and providing her hand for a handshake.

"ooh, this is Antonio I forget you haven't met. Antonio, Sammy is Micah's girlfriend" I say. Antonio smiled and took her hand, "well, it is nice to meet you Sammy" just when he finished the introduction Leo appeared as well.

"Sammy would you like to dance?" Antonio said still holding Sammy's hand, Micah was about to object but Sammy gave him a stern look and agreed and they left me with my brothers.

Antonio doesn't get along with the both of them so he's just buying time by dancing with Sammy I assume.

"Micah what happened" I asked but he remained quiet until Leo responded for him.

"I guess what always happens" said Leo. We all remained quiet.

"Sammy doesn't seem to be affected though" I said after a while observing happy, dancing Sammy.

"well she doesn't take mother as serious as we know her" Micah is the 1 who said for the first time and let me tell you he is in a mood. He said mother with so much distaste.

"so what now?" Leo asked what I wish to know as well

"I will talk to mother in the morning." he said and didn't wait for us to respond he went to get Sammy from Antonio. It has not even been 10 minutes, Micah really has it bad.

"I won't miss this breakfast" I say watching Micah leave

"me neither" Leo responds and after a while we both start loughing just imagining it. Micah is a character, knowing him and mother we both knew it's gonna be fun to watch. Antonio came back while we were loughing and Leo stopped immediately and put on his face mask.

Antonio just stood next to me awkwardly and said "Leo" God knows what's wrong with the men in my life.

"Antonio" Leo said in exactly the same way as Antonio. I decided that I'm not qualified to deal with this much testosterone, so I left them and went to greet Antonio's parents. Antonio remained with Leo for a while talking about God knows what before he joined me.

We were busy talking about tonight and I noticed that Deon is not here so I decided to ask his whereabouts

"Deon doesn't attend gala dinners?" I asked and Mr Zyne was the one who responded

"yeah he doesn't but he's not around anymore, he left" he said and there was this awkward silence after, and everybody just looked to Antonio as if expecting him to say something, I looked to him as well but he seemed not a bit fazed. They have their own family issues. We awkwardly stood there in silence until my dad rescued us, he came over in a very cheerful mood and everybody lighted up.

"I am so happy to be out of bed again" he said cheerfully and everyone lit up happy to see him in good health as well and I went to hug him and he held me tight and kissed my face like he always does.

"ooh... My gem you were really wonderful today" he gashed talking about my MC skills

"daddy should you really be out of bed and exerting yourself here?" I asked him knowing full well how he doesn't follow Dr's orders.

"ooh I'm as healthy as an ox my gem you should not worry" he lied smoothly hugging me to his side

"oooh I don't believe that daddy" I said knowingly and he just kissed my cheek. I really missed my dad's kisses

"stop babying  Andrew, the man is good now" Mr Zyne said

"no, of course you would say that, seeing as you do the same" ma said

"she" dad referred to me, "gave my heart quite a scare but it's all better now I assure you" he finished smiling brightly cuddling me to him. Antonio shifted uncomfortably but said nothing.

The chatter continued for a while with my dad still cuddling me until I gave up trying to escape. People came by to greet us and had brief conversations and continued on. Mother finally decided to join in and spoil our mood as always.

"I truly married the most stubborn man in the world, you know this man insisted on attending this event against Dr's orders" she said after greeting

"we thought as much" ma responded loughing.

"I may not have a daughter of my own but I can tell you now, nothing will move that man from the comfort of his little girl. I mean just look at him" Mr Zyne said smiling

"and it makes me anvy having a daughter of my own. I cannot wait to have a daughter just looking at how happy Andrew truly is" Antonio's thoughts spilled themselves surprising not just me but him as well.

Antonio wants a daughter, does he now want that daughter with me?

"if there's anyone who can convince Andrew of anything it's Julie" mother said and turned to me, "she has had him wrapped around her little fingers from birth" she said with her fake smile and continued, "Julie could you take your father home, it's been a long day he needs to rest" she informed me. But I needed her to understand she cannot be the detector anymore.

Dad was about to respond to her when I stopped him. "daddy let's find us a quiet place" I said completely ignoring what mother said

"I know just a place, come on" my dad responded eagerly already moving us away from the group

"see you" I turned and said to everyone as we were leaving.

"I guess we're not invited then?" Antonio said and they loughed

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