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As Zack I walked to the doctor office. It was a slow and silent walk. I don't know why he was so worried at the worst I could have a really badly broken arm and need surgery, not that that's going to happen. We walk into doctors office number three and we sat down in the chairs. The doctor looked at Zack and I oddly, well of course he did why would a vampire and a werewolf being sitting together, comfortably.

"So we got the result." The doctor stated.
"Yes." I said.
"Well. Your index finger is broken and that break has also continued to a very badly broken wrist, your lucky your bone did not pe strata the skin."

My bone, penetrating my skin. Ew! Please continue before I spew!

"You will need an operation. The bone in your wrist is broken so badly that it has gone over your other bone. You will have to have a metal plate and four screws placed in to keep the bone Ina good healing position and to keep it strong. You will also have to be in a cast for........ 20 weeks and even more depending in healing."

"O, well when's the soonest possible time I can get the operation done?" I ask hoping for a good answer.

"Well we can get you in in two weeks. In hothouse two weeks though you will have to be placed in a cast and a sling to keep your arm supported."

"Ok well can I come in tomorrow to get my arm done and come in with my dad and book the operation?"

"Yes." The doctor replied.
The whole conversation Zack sat there speechless. I needed to let him know it wasn't his fault and that I will be fine it is only a break.

"Ok well let me get the equipment and we will fix your arm up and I will see you tomorrow."

"Sounds good."
Doctor exited the room to get the equipment. I turned to Zack.

"Zack none of this is your fault. Your know that right."
He was silent, staring a the floor.
"I think I know who attacked us......"

Hey guys, so sorry I have not updated in ages. Thanks for reading my book. I would really like to hear your ideas in the comments on what you think should happen, or even who you think attack Zack and Melody and why. Let me know in the comment as I would love to hear your ideas.

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