Chapter 29

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Bethany's POV

I walked up onto the school looking around to find my friends.

No sign of them.

I figured they are either late or in the courtyard inside the school.
I decided to walk past the lunch room to see if they were there. As I was walking by I peeked through the window and saw Grayson.
He looked up at me and I blinked and looked away immediately.

"Oh my gosh." I breathed. I wondered if he saw me. Not wanting to embarrass myself even more I walked towards the courtyard and soon enough saw them all gathered at a bench.
I walked up to them and heard them fussing about how Lilly supposedly hooked up with Matt or Grayson or both... at the same time.

"No she would never touch Matt they hate each other!" I heard my friend Chelsea yell over everyone else.

"But who wouldn't want to bang Matt?" Said Josh in a gay playful way.
I stood there, them still not knowing I arrived. Im usually the quiet one and nobody really involves me in there drama filled discussions. I wasn't really about drama anyways.

"Hey Bethany." I heard Chelsea say coming around the circle to me.

"Hi." I said stretching out the I.

"So what do you think about all this gossip?"

"I think its dumb... Why does it matter who she slept with?"

"Because then that makes her a easy slut."


"Because anybody that sleeps with Matt or Grayson is a slut."

"Then why is it a debate? Either way you guys are going to call her a slut?"
She looked at me with her mouth open as if to speak but instead went back into listening to the conversation.
The school slowly started filling up with all the students which mean the bell was almost going to go off.

"I'm gonna go to my locker." I said.
Nobody looking at me to say bye or anything so I just rolled my eyes.
"Love ya'll too! No I'm sure you don't gotta come with me." I spoke sarcastically.

I walked into the hall and walked down to my locker. While putting in the combination, someone bumped into me.

"Oh shi-"

"Sorry!" They cut me off. It was Lilly.
I looked at her and she had makeup smears. Almost as if she was crying.

"A-are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." she said laughing slightly and walked away.
Well that was fucking weird I said. I wonder what was up with her I asked myself.

I put away stuff and got stuff I needed for the first 4 periods of the day. I closed my locker and behind it was Matt.

"Oh my god." I gasped.

"Well hello to you too, I know I'm hot but damn chill." I cringed at his cockiness.
Matt was tall, and had a really nice figure. Not too built and not too out of shape. He was almost perfect. He had an insane jaw line. Nothing compared to Grayson's though. He had sweet light brown hair. It was short enough to be in a quiff the way he does it a lot.

"Um, what do you want?"

"I need you to tell me if my supposed friends were talking about me." he said putting air quotes around the friends part of his sentence.

"I-I don't know." I let out.

"I saw you with them." He said getting closer, making the space between us closer since I found myself leaning against my locker. "Please tell me." He said whispering and making a fake pouty face. I could feel his hot minty breathe on me.

"I wouldn't know. I don't pay attention to there conversations."

"Start listening then." he said winking, lifting my chin slowly and walking away.

I stared at him until he disappeared into a turn.
The bell rang and I looked around to see if anybody was looking at us, and I almost wish I didn't. I looked up and saw my friends glaring at me.

What was with them and other girls talking to Matt or Grayson?
I don't know the full history because I never pay attention.
I walked over to them and said something.

"Why are you guys starring at me?" I abruptly said.

"Why were you with Matt?" I heard Josh say.

"Whats with you guys and there group of friends?"

"They're trouble."

"Whatev-" I got cut off trying to turn around when Josh grabbed my arm.

"Adrian wouldn't want you to be with him." I swatted my hand away.

"Then why did he leave me."

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