Chapter 19

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Bethany's POV

I look up at him, and nothing has changed. He looks the same, a little taller but other than that, he is still the same boy I fell in love with.

"Adrian?" I managed to choke out. Everyone turned to look at me. He smiled at me and it felt like the world was meant just for us two. My thoughts were interrupted when my mom spoke.

"Hey sweetie, this young boy said he knew you and wanted to speak to you."
All three of them stood up. My mom and dad brushing past me. My mom whispering in my ear, "He is really cute." I couldn't help but blush. He was, he is. They walked to there room and I was there face to face with the boy that made my world go from beautiful to a black hole, but I still managed to love him. And I still wonder how that may be.

"Hey." he breathed out.


"Want to sit down?" He asked. I shook my head and went to sit next to him.

"What... What are you doing here?"

"Came to visit family, thought I'd visit some friends too. How've you been?"

I breathed in, letting out a sigh.
"I guess I have been alright."

"You guess?" He flashed me a confused smile. I just looked down at my hands.

"Listen, I know we left at a bad place. I just want you to know I do still care about you." I didn't want to get emotional so I changed the subject.

"How do you like it over there?" I faked a smile, holding back my tears.

"It took some getting use too, but its great. The weather is amazing, theres this little restaurant, you should come down some day and we could go... Hey don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Change the subject."

"Well what do you expect?"

"I expect us to at least be friends..."

"You don't get it do you Adrian? I cared about you so much." I said yelling the 'so'. "And you left me, went with the girl that hated me the most and then told me we could still be friends then you left. You left me behind. We always said we would move to LA together. You moved on so quick, like we never happened. I'm not saying you never cared about me, I know you did. You really did care about me. We were perfect you and I. I still don't know what the hell it is that I did to mess us up."

"Bethany, listen, we were drifting apart, I-"

"Oh bull shit! You got feelings for my friend. YOU drifted off. YOU DID. NOT ME." At this point, the tears were pouring out of my eyes like a waterfall.
"I loved you..." I whispered.
Then I realized what I had just said, 'loved' I loved him. But I don't love him anymore. Im... free from this curse I thought to myself.

"Bethany, I never stopped caring, leaving you was the hardest thing I had to do."

"Yeah? Well you look just fine without me. You survived, you did it once I'm sure you can do it again. Get out please." I looked at him.

"Fine. Just wanted you to have this." he dropped a box on my couch and walked out.

Grayson's POV

I wanted to try everything to get Bethany to talk to me. Now I'm just going to have to go with plan b. Im going to have to force her to talk to me.
As I walked up her driveway, I saw Adrian. "What the hell?" I whispered.
"Adrian what are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" He spat back. "Dont go in there unless you can make a crazy girl stop crying." I realized what had probably happened.

"You dick." I said.

"What did you say?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I said you're a dick."

"One more time?"

"You are a mother fucking dick."

He ran up to me and pushed me to the floor. Next thing I knew he was punching me. I tried punching back but he was lock on me.

Bethany's POV

I walked over to my parents room and saw that they were fast asleep holding each other. I walked to my bathroom to get a wipe to clean up my face. I walked over to the kitchen to get some water. As I stood there drinking my water I heard yelling.
I looked outside the kitchen window and immediately dropped my glass. I ran out and saw Adrian on top of Grayson, beating the living hell out of him. Or at least I was kind of hoping it was Grayson. Not in a bad way.
I ran over to them and tried pushing Adrian off. He got up and pushed me hard against the floor.

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